12. Initial Weather Conditions 12.2 Effect of Weather Conditions 12.3 Special Weather Conditions 12.4 Weather Magic 12.5 Night Battles
- - Battlesystem - -

Weather is only used in the game when there is at least
one person or monster with power to control weather.
Night battles take place only when called for by a special


If no one in the battle has the power to
affect the weather, weather conditions
are always assumed to be favorable and
the battle is assumed to be in the daytime.
However, an individual scenario or your
campaign may require specific weather
conditions or darkness to be in effect.

If there is someone in the battle who
has the power to affect the weather, roll
on Table 15 below to determine weather
conditions at the START of the game.



Battles are always assumed to take
place in moderate weather unless the
specific scenario or your campaign
specifies otherwise. In the latter case, the
scenario rules or your referee will specify
what the weather conditions are, and
what their effect is on battle. Otherwise,
roll 1d6 three times and check Table 15
for initial weather conditions.

Table 15: Initial Weather Conditions
d6 Humidity d6 Temperature d6 Wind
1-2 Clear 1 Hot 1-2 Calm
3-4 Partly Cloudy 2-3 Warm 3-4 Light Wind
5-6 Cloudy 4-5 Cool 5-6 Strong Wind
- - 6 Cold - -


None of the initial weather conditions
in Table 15 have any combat effect
whatsoever. They are used to
determine what weather conditions such
spells as control weather can create. In
the AD&D game, use the table in the
AD&D PH, p.52, to
control what weather conditions can be
obtained. Of course, your campaign or
the specific scenario might have different
weather conditions avail..

Use Table 16 to determine the effect of
certain weather conditions on the battle.

Table 16: Effect of Weather Conditions
FOG* Visibility limited to 12"
HEAVY FOG** Visibility limited to 6"
RAIN* Visibility limited to 24"; 
all missile attacks +1 to AR.
DOWNPOUR** Visibility limited to 12"; 
all missile attacks +2 to AR. 
HAILSTORM** Visibility limited to 9"; 
missile attacks impossible.
GALE* All missile attacks +2 to AR. 
STORM** Visibility limited to 24"; 
all missile attacks impossible. 
HURRICANE/TYPHOON** Visibility limited to 12"; 
all missile attacks impossible; 
all non-magic weapons +3 to AR; 
movement penalty of 3/4.
SNOW* Visibilty limited to 18"; 
all missile attacks +2 to AR; 
movement penalty of 1/3.
HEAVY SNOW** Visibility limited to 9"; 
all missile attacks impossible; 
movement penalty of 2/3.

* Size M and L creatures cannot fly, except for those from the Elemental Plane of Air.
All maneuverability classes are worsened by 1.

** No creatures can fly, except those from the Elemental Plane of Air.
All maneuverability classes are worsened by 2.
D&D GAME NOTE: If you are 
using the Companion Set of the 
D&D game, USE the spell effects and 
radius described in the spell Weather 
Control, located on p.21 of the 
Player's Companion, instead of Table 
16. However, flight penalties remain 
as in Table 16.


A. Temperature Extremes

Creatures defined as having a penalty
against cold- or heat-based attacks suffer
a -1 penalty to morale in unfavorable
extreme weather conditions, and receive
an additional HD of damage for each
attacking enemy figure.

B. Tornadoes

A magically-summoned tornado is
treated like a 16 HD air elemental in
whirlwind form (see AD&D MM,
p.37 or D&D Expert Set
Rulebook, p. 49). It lasts for 1-20 turns,
arriving on the battlefield from a random
direction. It travels in a random direction
(determine each Game Round) for a
movement rate of 36". If it leaves the
battlefield, it does not return.



Weather spells are governed by the
rules for magic [14.0]. If two or more
control weather spells are used to create
the same condition, then the onset time
for the weather is 1/2 normal; if two
control weather spells are used to create
conflicting conditions, then both spells
cancel out. If a control weather spell is
used to reinforce current weather
conditions, then it takes two or more
control weather spells acting together to
overcome it.

The druidic spell predict weather will
reveal the action of any control weather
spells currently operating, even if the
weather condition has not yet arrived.

All weather magic must be CAST either
before the battle begins or during the
Missile and Magic Phase.


If a battle takes place at night, all
missile-using troops without infravision
shoot at +2 to AR. Visibility is restricted
to 12" even w/ infravision; no attacks
are psb. beyond that range.

Ecology Fund

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle