The Bureaucrat
by Lenard Lakofka and Brad Nystul

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Bureaucrats and politicians

The bureaucrat tends to be hopelessly average. To determine
his or her characteristics, roll 2d6 of different colors (let?s say red
and white). All physical characteristics (strength, dexterity and
constitution) use a base of 10, while non-physical characteristics
(INT, wisdom and charisma) use a base of 11. If the red
die comes up 1 or 2, add the result of the white die to 10 or 11, as
applicable; if the red die comes up 3 or 4, subtract the white die
from 10 or 11; if the red die comes up 5 or 6, the white die is
ignored and the characteristic remains at 10 or 11, as applicable.
A bureaucrat must have intelligence or wisdom of at least 11 to
rise any higher than first level (Clerk).

Bureaucrats do not wear armor, but may use or wear any
magic items of protection. They are poor with weapons, fighting
forever as a zero-level character regardless of bureaucrat experience
level. (See exception noted below for those who were
adventurers before becoming bureaucrats.) They may employ
daggers, clubs and ?blunt instruments? (inkwells, candlesticks,
etc.) as weapons. They throw any weapon at ?2 to hit. However,
they obtain the saving throws of a cleric with respect to spells,
paralyzation, poison, death magic, rods, staves, and wands. They
save as a fighter versus petrification, polymorphing and breath
weapons, using their level as a bureaucrat (not their effective
fighting level) for the save. Thus, if someone tried to poison an
Official (6th level bureaucrat), the victim?s saving throw would
be 9. If a dragon breathed on him, his saving throw would be 13.
Bureaucrats? special skills
Produce trance: This attack form comes from the bureaucrat?s
ability to speak fluent Bullroar. The language is basically unintelligible
to most beings, but its constant drone tends to place a
victim at ease. Such an at-ease victim is entranced if the bureaucrat
makes the required percentile roll and the victim (only one
target at a time) fails his or her saving throw.
An entranced victim will take any suggestion or meet any
demand made by the bureaucrat that pertains to the issue at
hand. This issue typically concerns payment to the bureaucrat
for a service, such as the purchase of a license or permit, or perhaps
an order or a writ to legalize something. Once the speech
ends, the entranced victim will carry out the given order or suggestion
(pay the asked-for price, for instance) unless someone else
(if another non-entranced character is present) can talk him or
her out of it. A successful second saving throw by the formerly
entranced figure means that someone else has convinced the victim
not to buy the document in question.
An entranced person will not give up magic items or tell
secrets under the influence of this droning speech.
Lose (and find) paperwork: This innate ability shows up in all
bureaucrats who handle documents or get anywhere near a filing
system. (In other words, all bureaucrats.) Documents given to a
bureaucrat for filing or safekeeping will be lost as soon as they
are received, if the bureaucrat makes the necessary roll on percentile
The lost paperwork will be found again upon another successful
percentile roll, if someone is first successful in urging or
ordering the bureaucrat to look for it. The first roll to find a lost
document cannot be made sooner than one working day after the
document was lost (these things take time). Succeeding rolls to

4-sided dice for
Experience Experience accumulated hit Level
points level points title
0 ? 1,150 1 1 + 2 Clerk
1,151 ? 3,250 2 1 + 4 Supervisor
3,251 ? 5,350 3 l + 6 Manager
5,351 ? 8,450 4 l + 8 Chief
8,451 ? 12,550 5 2 + 8 Obstructionist
12,551 ? 18,650 6 2 + 10 Official
18,651 ? 26,750 7 2 + 12 Bureaucrat
26,751 ? 38,850 8 2 + 14 Authority
38,851 ? 54,950 9 3 + 14 Commissioner
54,951 ? 75,050 10 4 + 14 Board Member
75,051 + 11 5 + 14 Chairman
Produce Lose
Level trance paperwork Confuse Captivate Infuriate
1 20%
15% 22% 10% 04%
19% 26% 14% 08% 24%
3 24% 31% 19%
4 30% 37% 25%
13% 29%
19% 35%
5 37% 44% 32% 26% 42%
6 45% 52% 40% 34% 50%
7 54% 58% 49% 44% 60%
8 64%
9 73%
61% 59% 55% 70%
63% 69% 66% 77%
10 80% 64% 79% 77% 83%
11 85% 65% 89% 88% 90%
find the lost paperwork, if required and desired, can be made at
one-working-day intervals thereafter.
Once a particular document or sheaf of paperwork has been
found, that particular bureaucrat will never lose it again ? but
paperwork does get passed on from bureaucrat to bureaucrat,
and the next one to handle it might be higher level, and thus
even better at losing it!
Confuse: This ability produces befuddlement in the victim
unless he or she makes a successful saving throw from spells.
The bureaucrat must make an actual attack to confuse; when he
does so, his produce trance attack (if it was being employed) is
lost. Confusion will cause the victim to leave the bureau office or
board meeting, totally forgetting why he or she ever went there
in the first place. The victim obtains a new saving throw daily or
if he or she can be talked to by someone who knows why he or
she went to the bureaucrats? lair in the first place.
Captivate: This attack form can only be cast on multiple figures;
a single figure is immune. To captivate, the bureaucrat
must be allowed to blather on for a full ten minutes, without
interruption, about what must be done to produce a desired
result. At the end of the ten minutes the victims each obtain a
saving throw (vs. spell) at ?2. Those who fail it are temporarily
insane and will walk away drooling. Their wits will return if a
new saving throw is made (saves are allowed every ten minutes)

or if a rational person can talk to them for ten minutes. While
temporarily insane, victims are totally harmless, but also entirely
Infuriate: This attack can only be accomplished if the victim
has fallen prey to any of the bureaucrat?s other attack forms, i.e.
been entranced, been confused, been captivated, or had his or her
papers lost. Now the bureaucrat will explain that it wasn?t his or
her fault. The victim(s) then must save vs. spell or go into a rage
for 1-20 rounds. This outburst usually takes the form of physical
violence against the surroundings, as the victim(s) tries to wreck
the bureau by throwing things, ripping up papers, and tipping
over furniture. When the rage is over, the victim may find that
the bureaucrat has summoned authorities to have him arrested.
The friends of a victim will find that calming him can only be
done over the course of 1-4 rounds of constant persuasion, after
which the victim must save again, this time at ?2.
Other abilities and characteristics
Bureaucrats obtain a magic resistance to charm spells of 65%
which they may apply prior to their normal saving throw.
A bureaucrat obtains experience points only from doing his or
her job; that is, performing one of the five available special
skills. The amount of experience gained for a successful act is
equal to the bureaucrat?s percentage chance of performing the
skill. Thus, if a 7th level bureaucrat manages to lose paperwork
on a project he is working on, he will obtain 58 experience
points. Note that all ?attacks? of the bureaucrat, explained
hereafter, are purposeful with the exception of lose paperwork,
which he or she does subconsciously. Purposely losing paperwork
will cost a bureaucrat the applicable number of experience
A bureaucrat who takes a bribe can add the value of the bribe
to his experience points, using one-tenth (rounded up) of the
g.p. value of the bribe. The experience gain is limited in all cases
to 100 points per bribe, so it literally doesn?t pay to offer a
bureaucrat a bribe of more than 1,000 g.p.
Alignment alterations
Bureaucrats begin as lawfully aligned characters (20% lawful
good, 20% lawful evil, 60% lawful neutral). With each promotion
in level, all non-neutral bureaucrats must save vs. spell or change
alignment. A bureaucrat of lawful good persuasion may become
lawful neutral or neutral good; lawful neutral may become lawful
good, lawful evil, or true neutral; lawful evil may become
neutral evil or lawful neutral. Neutral evil and neutral good
characters must revert back to lawful evil and lawful good,
respectively, with the next level/alignment change. Bureaucrats
who become true neutral will remain that way forever.
Former members of adventuring classes may become bureaucrats
if they fit the ability score requirements and are of some
lawful alignment when they become a bureaucrat. The former
adventurer must not have progressed above 4th level, or he or she
cannot then ever become a bureaucrat. A former adventurer may
never wear armor as a bureaucrat, but may use any weapon
allowed to the former class, and fights at a level equal to the
highest level he or she attained in the former profession.
Unseasoned sage ability
Bureaucrats, because of the vast amount of information that
passes by them daily, have some minor sage abilities in various
areas of knowledge. Their information is rarely as specific or
exacting as that of a real sage. Each bureaucrat will dabble in
two of the following fields of knowledge, determined at random:
01-07 Specifics on any town business: income, taxes, prices,
profit, etc.)
08-11 Specifics on any town proprietor: class and ? if and
only if class is known ? possibly level, with a
margin of error of two either way
12 Ownership of magic items in town: limit one item per
person asking; 15% chance of having such
knowledge about any specific item

13-15 Specifics on any other town bureau or board: inner
workings, procedures, purpose, effectiveness,
accomplishments, problems, etc.
16-17 Specifics on the town nobility, if any: begin with lowest
level noble and move up, giving bureaucrat a 25%
chance to know some valuable information; upon
failing once, his knowledge ends. (A bureaucrat will
know the names and titles of all nobles in his town.)
18-19 Specifics on town officials, mayor, aldermen, sheriff, etc.
20 Specifics on shady town occupants: assassins? guild,
thieves? guild, bully gangs, protection rackets, press
gangs, waterfront bars, etc.
21-23 Local heraldry
24-25 Signs and sigils
26 Cryptography
27-34 Demography of humans, demihumans, and humanoids
in town
35-47 History of town or city
48-50 History of county or country
51-55 Legends and folklore of area
56-65 Local laws
66-74 Town customs
75-77 Genealogy of prominent citizens
78-80 Source of maps of town showing sewers, old construction,
proposed construction, etc.
81 Maps of buildings in town ? not necessarily depicting
the interior, or all the rooms, of a structure
83-84 Information on ?monsters? in the locale
85 Timetables for ships, barges, wagons, coaches, etc.
86-87 Knowledge of town tariffs, taxes and levies
88-90 Knowledge of local dialects and languages; the ability to
translate them
91-95 Specific facts on local temples and their occupants
96 Information on local magic-users and illusionists
97-98 Information on rangers or paladins in the area
99-00 Knowledge, of one of the above sorts, of another town or
city in the area; reroll on the list, disregarding
results of 99-00, for the type of knowledge
The chance for a bureaucrat to know the answer to a question
in one of his fields is calculated as follows: The question is
judged to be general, specific, or exacting (see pages 31-33 of the
AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide for information on these
terms). When giving the answer, consider the alignment of the
bureaucrat before forming the answer and stating it.
The first area of knowledge rolled for a bureaucrat is his or her
minor area of specialty. In this area, the chance to know a single
answer is:
General information: 2% per level of the bureaucrat
Specific information: 1% per level
Exacting information: ½% per level (round down)
For example, a 7th level bureaucrat is asked a question about
?monsters? in the locale (his minor field). If 1-14 is rolled, the
information he can give in an answer is only general; if 15-21 is
rolled, his knowledge is specific; and if 22-24 is rolled, his
knowledge on the subject is exacting. If 25-00 is rolled, his
answer will be wrong.
The second area of knowledge rolled for a bureaucrat is his or
her major area. In this area, the chance of knowledge is:
General information: 5% per level of the bureaucrat
Specific information: 3% per level
Exacting information: 1% per level
The exact cost of information will depend on whether the
bureaucrat knows something. However, any bureaucrat will need
at least one gold piece per level just to ?break the ice.? General
information will cost at least 1 g.p. per level, specific information
3 g.p. per level, and exacting information 6 g.p. per level of
the bureaucrat. The upper limits are usually 5 g.p., 10 g.p., and
20 g.p. per level respectively for such information.
DMs note: Don?t give away too much information if it is going
to ruin some phase of play in town! You can overrule the result
of a dice roll at any time!

1. SUBCLASS = n/a
    WISDOM =
20. COMBAT =
XP Level Dice for HP Title


