The Official Errata : Scads of Revisions and Additions to AD&D (35.4)

Apologies -- and Arguments (55.10)

Monster Reference Table (M&T.2)
The Monsters (Greyhawk 33) / Monsters (Blackmoor 14)

Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd : An informal index of the right things to say (93.24)

It's a Hit! But Where? (114.50)

Who's In Charge Here? : "Pyramid Power and Leadership in the AD&D Game" (129.66)
Monsterous Tricks and Combination Monsters (Greyhawk 63)

Monsters : How strong is strong? (44.27)
Mind of the Monster : Give creatures the brains they were born with (71.14)

Magic Resistance : What it is, how it works (79.17)

How Heavy is My Giant? (13.5)
Don't Look! : It's a ... (50.30)

Damage - Monster Type (Greyhawk 16) (Blackmoor 13)
Giant-Sized Weapons : The bigger the monster, the bigger the blow (109.54)

If Looks Could Kill : Looking gaze weapons right in the eye (130.71)

Not Human Enough (141.15)
... But not Least : The Humanoids : Goals and gods of the kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, & gnolls (63.25)
Boulder Throwers and Humanoid Hordes : Giants, humanoids, and Dungeon Masters (141.34)

Make Monsters, Not Monstrosities! (59.62)
Creating Tailor-Made Monsters (108.9)

By Tooth and Claw : Ordinary animals are dangerous in any game (116.58)

Monster in the Middle (89.83)
Compressor (100.101)

Monster Descriptions (M&T.5) (Greyhawk 34) (Blackmoor 16)
If You Meet These Monsters, Don't Let Them Bug You To Death (32.16)
Demons, Devils, and Spirits (42.6)
Saturday Morning Monsters (18.5.5)
Dragon's Bestiary (Valley Giant, Donald Duck, the Tasmanian Devil, the Martian, Baseball Bugbears) (60.54)
New Monsters for Low Levels (66.53)
The Legacy of Hortus : Fifteen of the master's most fruitful experiments (87.31)
The Plants of Biurndon : One DM's version of specially designed greenery (108.42)
Microscopic Monsters : When they get bigger, they get tougher! (111.27)
Dragon's Bestiary (116.38)
DB : A walk through the woods (119.46)
DB : Slimy, Gross, and Yucky (127.68)
Into the Age of Mammals : The Cenozoic era, from Alticamelus to Zeuglodon (137.42)
DB : Rare beasts of the Forgotten Realms setting (139.69)
DB : More rare beasts from the FR setting (140.56)
DB : Non-human creatures -- with human form (141.16)

The Dead of Night (126.15)
Dreadful Tidings (138.13)
Sage Advice (138.12)
Dead on Target : The right weapon is a matter of life and (un)death (126.26)
A Touch of Evil : Breathing life into the world of the undead (126.29)
The Ungrateful Dead : Expanding the ranks of the ghastly host (138.22)

Creature Catalog (89)
Creature Catalog II (94.43)
Creature Catalog III (101.39)

The Meanest Monsters : Two creatures that are tougher than anything your characters have ever encountered (96.46)

Aboleth, the Ecology of : The type best known is also the least dangerous (131.36)
Amazon (43.28)
Angels (35.18)
Anhkheg, The (FC) (5.12)
    Anhkheg, the Ecology of (117.33)
The Many Shapes of Apes : Giving primates the attention they deserve (95.38)
Carnivorous Ape, the Ecology of  : The lords of the savage jungle (133.8)
Argas (53.52)
Ascomoid (68.4)
Aurumvorax, the Ecology of : Count your fingers after you pet it (132.48)

Baku (65.25)
Barghest (26.44)
Bats do More than Bite : Six species from Elminster's latest lecture (90.20)
Pirahna Bats (51.68)
Sandbats (Swampbats) (42.47)
Basidirond (68.5)
The Ecology of the Basilisk (81.27)
Whiz-Bang Beetles (29.50)
Beguiler (58.9)
The Ecology of the Beholder (76.6)
Bleeder (59.21)
Boggart (54.28)
The Bulette (a.k.a. Landshark) (1.19)
    The Ecology of the Bulette (74.26)

Magenta's Cat (58.10)
The Ecology of the Catoblepas (Or, Looks can be very deceiving) (73.22)
Cave Fisher, the Ecology of : Humans are its' favorite catch (135.10)
The Centaur Papers : Two manuscripts become one very long article (103.35)
The Rest of the Papers : Cleaning up a few odds and ends about centaurs (105.24)
Chimera, the Ecology of (94.25)
Cockatrice, the Ecology of (95.22)
Colfel (56.60)
Cooshee (67.11)
Crawling Claw (32.39)
Curst (30.43)

Dark Dwellers (51.67)
Dao (66.21)

Patron Demons (42.12)
Meeting Demogorgon : Last great acts of cowardice and defiance (38.28)
Incubus (54.29)
The Goristro Revealed : Big, dumb demon brought out of hiding (91.8)

Devas (63.5)

New Denizens of Devildom : A partial preview of Monster Manual II (75.8)
A New Evil ... The Possessors (42.7)

Dinosaurs : New theories for old monsters (55.12)
A Book Even T. Rex Would Like (55.13)
The Ecology of the Displacer Beast : What you see is not what (or where) you hit (109.32)
Dinosaurs : Mezozoic Monsters, from the mightiest to the meekest (112.10)

The DM (36.26)
A Collection of Canines : More dogs than you can throw a stick at (102.20)
A Dozen Domestic Dogs : Twelve ways to classify man's best friend (103.26)
Hounds of Space and Darkness : Three unusual hounds for the AD&D game (117.37)
The Psychology of the Doppleganger (80.6)

Dragons (134.7)
Our Annual Full-Blown Dragon Section (62.5)
Dragonlore : A hoard of words on our favorite subject (98.6)
Enjoying Your Dragon! (36.25)
Hatching is Only the Beginning : Raising a baby dragon? Watch out for tantrums! (50.13)
That's Not In the Monster Manual! : Neutral dragons : Six new challenges for powerful players (37.6)
Rearranging and Redefining the Mighty Dragon (38.11) (42.37)
Dragon's Blood : One Interpretation (41.20) ... And Another (41.20)
There's One ... And another one (46.73) / Now it Can be Told! (48.88)
Red Dragon Blues (48.15)
Join the Party, If You Can Find Room! (50.6) / Party Picture Contest : In the eye of the beholder (52.50)
Self-Defense for Dragons : Everyone's favorite foe gets a fighting chance (50.7)
True Dragons : Revamping the monster from head to claw (50.11)
Faerie Dragon (62.6)
Steel Dragon (62.8)
Grey Dragon (62.9)
Evil Dragon Armors (62.10)
The Missing Dragons : Filling in the tints of the color wheel (65.27)
Landragons : Wingless wonders of a faraway land (74.12)
The Electrum Dragon (74.17)
Dragons and their Deities : The lowdown on how and why they worship (86.36)
There Can Never Be Too Many Dragons, Right? (96.45)
Tailor-made Treasure : Develop different hoards for different dragons (98.7)
The Magic of Dragon Teeth : Pull them, plant them, and stand back (98.11)
Dragon Damage Revised : Claw and bite attacks graded by size and age (98.14)
Dragon Damage Revisited : Finishing the figures for physical attacks (110.44)
Cardboard Dragon (113.52)
tDB : Dragons of Earth, Sea, and Space (134.8)
Give Dragons a Fighting Chance (134.17)
Serpents and Sorcery : A little dragon-magic can go a long way (134.24)
Red Dragon, the Ecology of : The color of blood and fire (134.32)

Entering the Drider's Web : What happens after a drow fails Lolth's test (129.30)

The Ecology of the Dryad : Lesson of the day : Don't catch them, they'll catch you (88.18)

Dust Devil (45.67)
Dyll (55.61)

Grugach (67.10)
Valley Elf (67.11)
Tasteless Song of the Month : Valley Elf (72.48)
'Duh 'Cology of ... Duh Ettin! (92.29)
Eye of the Deep, the Ecology of (93.18)

Firetail (61.48)
Flitte (40.64)
The Flolite (38.57)
Giant Vampire Frog (50.61)
Frost (33.56)

The Ecology of the Gas Spore : Not a beholder, but bad nonetheless (120.36)
Gaund (46.26)
Gelatinous Cube, the Ecology of  : Unseeing, unthinking, unstoppable (120.56)
Gem Vars (56.61)
The Ecology of the Gorgon (97.25)
The Golem's Craft : Want to build a golem? It isn't easy (136.54)
"Oh, Look -- A Harmless Statue!" : Nasty new ways to disguise and hide a golem (139.41)
    Ice Golem (44.89)
Greenhag, the Ecology of : One of a broad and evil family of hags (125.10)
Blame it on the Gremlins : Militaristic mischief-makers (79.24)
Groundsquid (39.57)
Gulguthra, the Ecology of (96.20)

The Ecology of the Harpy : Songs of Beauty ... Songs of Death (115.50)
Hook Horror, the Ecology of : The dwellers in the darkness (131.42)
Horast (27.41)
TtLG : A Horse of a Different Color (141.80)
Huntsmen (40.65)
Ukuyatangi : The jungle hydra (31.50)

Ixitxachitl, the Ecology of (85.24)

Beware the Jabberwock (54.30)
Jann (66.20)

Kech, the Ecology of : What evil lurks in the heart of the forest? (142.26)
The Keebler (36.26)
Koodjanuk (44.87)
The Ecology of the Korred : The wild lives of the dancing folk (119.42)
Krolli (36.63)
Kzinti (50.16)

The Ecology of the Giant Leech : Not all assassins kill with their hands (123.50)
The Ecology of the Leucrotta : A familiar-sounding but fiendish-looking beast (91.16)
Blueprint for a Lich (26.36)
Fire-Eye Lizard (40.63)
Sand Lizard (45.66)
The Other Were? Right here! (40.32)
Werebeaver (60.54)
Lythlyx (43.20)

Maedar, the Ecology of (106.16)
Marid (66.21)
The Blood of Medusa (58.11)
    Bandits! : A shifty character for your campaign (63.22)
    The Wild Warriors : The ultimate hack-n-slashers : Berserker NPCs (133.76)
        New D&D Character Subclass : The berserker (3.27)
    Gypsies : A curse or a blessing, or both! (59.16)
        The Gypsy Train : A moving scenario for AD&D game play (93.43)
    Merchants : An NPC class with cash (136.22)
The Ecology of the Mimic (75.6)
The Ecology of the Mind Flayer : As told by someone who ought to know (78.66)
Minotaur, the Ecology of (116.32)
Carrying a Heavy Load? Let a mule do it for you! (48.52)

Narra (53.55)
Necroton (42.45)
Nogra (49.54)

Would the Real Orc Please Step Forward? : Dealing with the proliferation of orcish miniatures (25.16)
Where the Orcs Are : A miniatures marvel of monsters, mayhem, and miscellany : The orc inn, with reserved parking for chariots (30.3)
The Cost : A lot of hours, a lot of figures, and ... (30.6)
Inert Weapons, Or, "Things no dungeon should be without." (33.45)
Hate Orcs? You'll Love This Campaign (43.56)

Pelins (52.49)
Pernicon, the Ecology of (108.22)
The Pernicon : A new version (108.25)
The Ecology of the Peryton (82.10)
The Ecology of the Picklebug : Avoiding a "pickle" with this dangerous cuke-alike (120.14)
Phoenix (65.26)
Phycomid (68.5)
The Ecology of ... The Piercer (72.12)
Planetar (64.10)
Carnivorous Plants, the Ecology of : Some plants like green thumbs all too well (137.26)
Poltergeist (55.62)

Ochre Jelly, the Ecology of (104.33)
Oculon (53.54)

Quatsch (42.44)

Never the Same Thing Twice : Filling out facts about the rakshasa family (84.29)
CF : The Remorhaz (2.20)
    Remorhaz, the Ecology of (114.36)
Rhaumbusun (52.48)
The Ecology of the Rot Grub : A brief lecture not easily forgotten (122.16)
Rust Monster, the Ecology of (88.22)

Scorpion Tales : Realistic encounters with a deadly desert dweller (120.24)
Sea Lion, the Ecology of (107.34)
Shade, the Ecology of : Outcasts in a shadowy world (126.40)
The Silkie (41.57)
Slinger (28.50) (29.3)
Slithering Tracker, the Ecology of (86.8)
Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth : Adding variety to snakes in AD&D gaming (115.43)
    Cryoserpent (44.88)
Through the Looking Glass : Put a little death in your painting (138.8)
Skyzorr'n (45.65)
Shroom (56.59)
Solar (64.11)
Souping up the Spider (67.15)
    DB (118.64)
    Devil Spider (55.59)
Well Spirit (42.46)
Spectator, the Ecology of : A promise made is a promise kept - for 101 years (139.85)
Spriggan (59.22)
The Ecology of the Stirge (83.20)
Stroan (54.28)
Stymphalian Birds (59.22)
Sull (58.8)
Surchur (55.60)

tDB : Trouble Comes on Little Cat Feet (135.14)
The Ways of the Triffids (53.58)
Tolwar (43.29)
Tomb Tapper (41.58)
Trapper, the Ecology of (84.19)
The Ecology of the Treant (79.6)
Tybor (61.50)

Umbrae (61.48)
The Ecology of the Unicorn (77.14)
Ustilagor (69.36)

Hearts of Darkness : Vampires, from Dracula to Ch'ing Shih (126.16)
Good Evening : Are you wild about vampires? Here's something to sink your teeth into (30.7)
Vilkonnar (34.38)
Vulturehounds (37.48)

Will-o-wisp, the Ecology of (99.18)
The Winged Folk (51.18)
Wingless Wonder (40.64)
The Wolf in Your Paint Pot (40.20)
tDB : All Giant Worms Are Not Alike (133.82)
    Light Worm (61.49)

Yeti, the Ecology of : Cold-blooded in every respect (127.56)

Zygom (69.37)

Treasures of the Wilds : Natural treasures in the AD&D game (137.16)