FREQUENCY:  Uncommon
ARMOR CLASS:  2 or 3
MOVE:  6" or 9"
HIT DICE:  ½ to 11
NO. OF ATTACKS:  2 (tail)
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  1-2 to 2-20
SIZE:  M to L (6' to 35' long)

Ankylosaurs are ornithischian dinosaurs from the Cretaceous
and include such specimens as  Ankylosaurus  and  Paleoscincus.
These browsing herbivores are heavily armored with plates and
spikes of bone and horn. They range from goat-sized to elephant-sized. If attacked, an
ankylosaur strikes at its tormentors with its
massive bony tail. Ankylosaurs vary as follows:
HD 1/2 1 2 3 4-6 7-9 10-11
Damage 1-3 1-4 1-6 2-8 2-12 2-16 2-20
Size S(6-7) M(8-9) L(10-11) L(12-13) L(14-20) L(21-25) L(26-35)

There are two major types of ankylosaurs:

Nodosaurids  have a solid shell over the back, and have relatively
long legs, but their tails lack the mace-like knob found on other
ankylosaurs. They move at 9", have an armor class of 2, and inflict damage as if they were one size class smaller (½ HD individuals inflict 1-2 points of damage). Nodosaurids typically have long,
narrow heads and have long spikes at their sides to prevent carnosaurs from turning them over.

Ankylosaurids  have armor arranged in bands and plates like
that of a modern armadillo, and typically lack spines. The legs are
short, the body and head low and broad. These beasts move at 6",
and have armor class 3. However, the massive knob on the tail
makes them very effective in combat.

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