Dracolich (Night Dragon)

FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 1 (unless called by a ring of dragons)
MOVE: As per former dragon type
HIT DICE: As per former dragon type
% IN LAIR: 20%
TREASURE TYPE: [[B]], [[H]], [[S]], [[T]]
NO. OF ATTACKS: As per former dragon type
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon and spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spell immunities
INTELLIGENCE: As per individual dragon
ALIGNMENT: Evil (any sort)
SIZE: L (dimensions vary)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Varies/As per former dragon type, plus 1000 + 10/hp
(if destroyed, along with host)
    Speaking: 100%
    Magic Use: 96%
    Sleeping: 0%

A dracolich is an undead creature, an
unnatural transformation of evil dragonkind
by powerful magic known to be practiced
only by the mysterious Cult of the Dragon.
Like human liches, dracoliches are immune
to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph,
cold (magical or natural), electricity, insan-
ity, and death spells or symbols. By the
nature of its making, a dracolich is also
immune to potions or items of dragon con-
trol. Dracoliches can be affected only by
magical attack forms (against which they
have standard magic resistance, except for
the immunities listed), or by monsters with
magical properties of six or more hit dice.
They cannot be poisoned, paralyzed, or
held. They cannot be turned by clerics, and
the knowledge of their ability to escape
destruction works in dracoliches a transfor-
mation from cowardice to confidence; if a
dracolich ever triumphs in any battle, from
that point on, it is fearless (including immu-
nity to magical fear or psionic attacks caus-
ing fear) and cannot be subdued.

A dracolich retains the keen senses (60’
infravision, ability to detect hidden or invis-
ible creatures within 1" per age level) it
enjoyed in life, but its bodily processes are
maintained magically; it need never eat
again for sustenance. Most dragons enjoy
eating —and a dracolich must eat if it
wishes to refuel its breath weapon — but a
dracolich never feels weakness, fatigue, or
hunger. Attacks upon a dracolich, due to its
magical nature, do not gain “to hit” or
damage modifiers by type and breath
weapon of dragon attacked.

All physical attacks by a dracolich (jaws,
claws, and wing or tail buffets, where appli-
cable) do the damage dealt by the dragon in
life, plus 2-16 hp chilling damage. Oppo-
nents struck who fail to save vs. paralyza-
tion will also be paralyzed for 2-12 rounds
by the touch of a dracolich. (The victim’s
immunity to cold damage, temporary or
not the chance of paralyzation.) Dracoliches
cannot drain life energy levels. They retain
the ability to cause fear in opponents (as per
the Monster Manual) that they had in life;
as a lich, the fear they cause is slightly
stronger — opponents must save vs. spell
against the fear aura at -1 (after all other
modifiers are taken into account). The gaze
of their glowing eyes can also paralyze
permanent, negates the chilling damage but
creatures within 4”; creatures of 6th level or
above, or 6 hit dice or greater, save at +3.
If a creature ever saves against the gaze of a
particular dracolich, it is immune to the
gaze of that dracolich from then on.

Dracoliches can use any magic available
to them in life; once they have acquired a
full roster of spells (most are aided in this by
the Cult), they can never gain new spells,
but never need to study or concentrate to
replenish their arsenal. Their magical nat-
ures revitalize their spell ability, each spell
being replaced 1 day after it is cast. Instead
of casting a spell, a dracolich may attempt
undead control (as per a potion of undead
control) once every three days. Such con-
trol, if successful, lasts for one turn only,
upon any sort(s) of undead present, and
such undead save at -3 vs. the control.
Control can be exercised up to 6” distant;
undead cannot be summoned by means of
this power. While undead control is being
exercised, spells cannot be cast. A dracolich
cannot drop control of undead, and regain
it immediately after casting a spell — it
must wait three days before any attempt at
control will again be successful. Dracoliches
without spell-casting ability can use undead

Dracoliches can employ their breath
weapons only three times a day, as in life.
Note that they will teleport (if provided with
a means, such as a magical ring, by the
Cult or through their own acquisition of
treasure), or merely leave their bodies be-
hind and flee in spirit-form, to return to the
vicinity of the host (often a sword in their
own hoard) that contains the essence of
their spirit before being reduced to zero hit
points; few opponents can destroy a draco-
lich outright. A dracolich can be destroyed
by a power word, kill, or by the destruction
of its host at a time when a suitable corpse
is not within range for the dragon’s spirit to


Dracoliches usually appear as they did in
life, except save that their eyes are glowing
points of light floating in dark eyesockets.
Some few are reported to appear skeletal or