
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 6 + 6
% IN LAIR: 15%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite or 1 weapon
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16 or by weapon type
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Diseased bite
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Cold iron or magic weapons needed to hit (immune to silver); surprised only on a 1
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: L (8' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI/600 + 8/hp

    Ghuuna (the form is singular and plural)
are related to gnolls in much the same way
that lycanthropes are related to humans.
However, ghuuna are the result of a special
quasi-lycanthropy created by Yeenoghu that
affects only gnolls, causing them to shapechange
into a hyaenodon form. Ghuuna are
affected by stress and the phases of the
moon in much the same manner that lycanthropes are.

    In their normal (unchanged) form,
ghuuna appear to large gnolls. In this
form they shun armor andusually carry
swords as weapons. In hyaenodon form,
ghuuna can deliver a crushing bite for 4-16
points. In addition, their bite will inflict
"ghuunism" among gnolls in the same
manner that lycanthropy is spread by regular
were-creatures, humans, demi-humans,
and humanoids (other than gnolls) who are
bitten must save vs. poison or be affected as
if by a cause disease spell, which can be
cured by a cure disease spell or similar
magic. In both forms, ghuuna have 90'
infravision and acute senses of hearing and
smell that act together to reduce their
chances to be surprised.

    Each ghuuna can commandand control
2-8 hyenas or 1-4 hyenaedons, although
they cannot summon them from afar. Any
ghuuna encountered is 80% likely to be
accompanied by 2 hyenas (70%) or 1 hyenaedon
(30%) being kept as pets or

    For every 10 gnolls in a gnoll band there
is a 5% chance for 2-5 ghuuna to be
present, acting as leaders and protectors.
Only gnoll shamans and strong chieftans
have more "push" in a gnoll band than
ghuuna do. Female ghuuna are nearly the
only respected females in a gnoll band.

    Gnoll shamans are able to use their
powers to quest ghuuna for one day. The
shaman's chance for sucess is equal to the
chance of a cleric of equal level trying to
turn wraiths. Each time this power is successfully
used, 1-6 ghuuna are affected.
Gnoll shamans may use this power once per
day for each level of clerical experience they

    Ghunna may communicate with hyenas
and hyaenodons, and can speak the usual
languages a gnoll may know. Ghuuna keep
slaves as gnolls do. Ghuuna may not become
shamans or witch-doctors. They
rarely intentionally spread "ghuunism"
among gnolls, preferring to be "the few and
the proud."

    by Tomas Willis