NO. APPEARING:  1 or 3-24
MOVE:  3?//22?
HIT DICE:  1 hp to 8 HD
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3  (bite)
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  Nil to 2-20
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Swallow whole
S P E C I A L   D E F E N S E S :   Nil
I N T E L L I G E N C E :   Non
SIZE:  S to L (up to 15? long)

Labyrinthodonts are amphibians, and flourish in Triassic settings. They resemble crocodilians in overall form, but the typical
labyrinthodont has a flattened head with upward-staring eyes, a
flat broad body, and feeble legs. The mouth is huge, and full of
sharp teeth. The hatchlings and very young individuals have feathery external gills, like a modern salamander larva. Labyrinthodonts include the largest amphibians ever to exist; fortunately,
they never stay far from water. A labyrinthodont typically lies
below the water's surface, hoping to surprise whatever edible
morsel may pass by. Individuals with 7 HD or more can swallow
man-sized prey whole. Labyrinthodonts vary with size as follows:
HIT DICE: 1 hp 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-8
DAMAGE: Nil 1 1-2 1-4 2-5 2-8 2-12 2-16 2-20
SIZE:  S(2) S(3) S(4) M(5) M(6) M(7) L(8-9) L(10-11) L(12-15)

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