Wind Steed

MOVE: 22"/46" (MC: A); see below
% IN LAIR: 22%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 hooves and 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/1-4
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil (nobles use suggestion)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to gaze attacks and cold
INTELLIGENCE: High to exceptional
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
SIZE: L (horse-sized)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/110 + 4/hp
    (add 25 for nobles)

    Wind steeds, also known as asperii, are
highly prized as mounts. These aerial creatures
lair in cloud islands or upon the highest,
most inaccessible mountain peaks.
Asperii are mortal enemies of hippogriffs
and griffons; they tend to ignore rocs, save
for occasional scraps; and they are friendly
with pegasi (the two species are often found

    The wingless, horselike asperii fly by
natural powers of levitation and also possess
the power to "ride the winds." Strong
winds of natural or magical origin increase
the speed of an asperii flying with them, 1"
for every mile per hour over 20. Asperii
take no damage from winds of any type
(including air elemental or djinni whirlwinds,
wind walkers, and the buffeting
attacks of aerial servants). They can break
free of the grip of aerial servants with uncommon
ease (40% chance). Wind steeds
can cast up to 4 feather fall spells per day,
upon themselves or (by touch) others.

    The most maneuverability of steeds, asperii
are maneuverability class A and remain
so until they carry over 1500 gp weight.
Thus, they can carry one lightly armored
rider without any penalty in maneuverability
-- moreover, a lone rider may cast spells
from the back of a loyal wind steed (that is,
spells not requiring the use of a surface for
writing glyphs, runes, circles, etc.). Asperii
may carry up to 6000 gp weight, at a
penalty of one maneuverability class per
1500 gp additional weight.

    Wind steeds must be trained in the manner
of griffons, and can become deeply loyal
to one master. When so trained, an asperii
will suffer no one to ride it but its master or
those it views as friends of its master. Asperii
communicate by limited telepathy (6"
range), and will accept as a master only a
character of neutral, lawful neutral, or
neutral good alignment. Those trained to
take all riders are known as "broken" asperii;
they become cowards and refuse to fight
other creatures in the air. Young asperii
bring 4000-6000 gp on the open market
(asperii bear live young).

    Asperii have true sight and can see into
both the Astral and Ethereal Planes. Their
vision is so strong and intense that they are
immune to the effects of gaze attacks (such
as those of the basilisk and catoblepas).
Usually white, smoky grey, or dun in color,
wind steeds suffer no damage from cold-based
attacks. Fire does double damage.

    Asperii are omnivorous and especially
prize mint leaves, fish, and hawk meat.
Although they can go for long periods without
eating, asperii have a seemingly limitless
appetite when given the chance to gorge
themselves. In aerial combat asperii lash
out with their front hooves (note that spells
cannot be cast from the back of an asperii so
engaged). They also bite, tending to aim for
the wings and faces of opponents.

    A very rare subspecies known as "noble"
asperii exist, and are varicolored and iridescent
(like polished abalone shell). They
have 9" range telepathy of sufficient mental
force to exert a suggestion spell on creatures
of 3 HD or less. These creatures often lead
groups of wild asperii.

    by Ed Greenwood