The Discus Shield
Roger E. Moore

This device functions normally as a +3 medium-sized shield, circular
in shape with the edges rounded inward (like a “flying saucer” or a
modern Frisbee). The user may cast this shield like a discus at an
opponent. It will fly out, strike a glancing blow on its target, and return. A
minimum strength of 16 and a minimum dexterity of 12 are required to
throw the shield properly. The shield is cast with one hand. Note that the
caster need not make a roll “to hit” in order to catch the shield when it
comes back at the end of the melee round. The shield has a maximum
range of 270 feet (9”).

The damage done when the Discus Shield strikes an opponent
varies inversely with the range of the target, as shown in the table below.
Opponents may attempt to catch the shield, but must roll to strike AC
-6 and have both hands free; otherwise the opponent will take the
maximum possible damage. This attempt to catch the shield may only
be made if the caster has made a successful “to hit” roll to begin with.
The shield’s flight path is unaffected by winds up to hurricane force. The
caster is -2 “to hit” at medium range and -5 “to hit” at long range.
Distance of target Damage from shield strike
0’-90’ (0”-3”) 2-8 points
91’-180’ (3”-6”) 1-6 points
181’-270’ (6”-9”) 1-4 points

This device must be used at a penalty to hit unless the user has opted
to take expertise with it as a possible weapon. Because the shield is
blunt-edged, Clerics may use it as a weapon, as well as Fighters and
Assassins. Experience Point Value: 1000; GP Sale Value: 10,000.