Staff of the Couatl
by Pat Reinken

The Staff of the Couatl is a device much
appreciated and used by good clerics, particularly
those who worship the few goodaligned
deities of the Central American
mythos. The lawful neutral clerics of Quetzalcoatl,
however, may use staves of this
sort normally.

A Staff of the Couatl is about 7' long,
with the top 3' of the staff fashioned in the
shape of a winged couatl. Such staves are
usually made from precious materials such
as ivory over a silver core, and are magically
strengthened so they can be used in
combat (as quarterstaves). This powerful
staff has the following abilities:

1) It can be used to summon 1 couatl
per month to serve the needs of the cleric
possessing the staff. The couatl will have
randomly determined hit points and psionic
abilities. It will light on behalf of the summoning
cleric until the opponent is vanquished
or escapes, or until the user of the
staff commands the attack to cease. If the
couatl is summoned to fight against insurmountable
odds, or if the combat does not
seem to be favoring the side of the couatl
and the cleric, the couatl will wrap its tail
around the cleric and transport both of
them to a place of safety elsewhere on the
Prime Material Plane (by traveling through
the Ethereal Plane). This destination is not
under the control of the cleric. In any event,
the couatl will vanish back into the Ethereal
Plane 5-8 turns after being summoned, or
sooner if the cleric commands it. This
power may only be used by lawful good
clerics or clerics who worship Quetzalcoatl.

2) So long as the staff is carried, the cleric
gains a +2 bonus to his saving throw vs.
magical effects in general, and a +4 bonus to
his save vs. all poisons. These bonuses are
cumulative with those offered by other
devices, as per a ring of protection.

3) The staff may be used to effect the
casting of certain spells: detect evil and
snake charm each three times per day;
neutralize poison and sticks to snakes each
once per day; and wind walk once per
week. All spell effects are at the 8th level of

4) The staff is +1 to hit and damage when
used in combat.

A non-good, neutral-aligned cleric (lawful
neutral, chaotic neutral, or neutral evil)
who grasps the staff will not be harmed, but
cannot use any of its powers (except for
clerics of Quetzalcoatl, as noted for power
#1). An evil cleric who picks it up will take
2-5 points of damage each round the staff is
held. If a cleric of Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl
?s chief rival, is struck by or picks up
this staff, all damage received is doubled,
and that cleric must save vs. poison each
round the staff is grasped or be slain.

Experience Point Value: 7,500
Gold Piece Sale Value: 20,000