Web of Cob


An artifact found in virtually every comer and
crevice of even the best-kept dungeon.

It will generally go unnoticed by
characters unless an especially large web is blocking a door or window
and must be cleared away. Those with a wisdom of 6 or better will have
the sense to poke at the web with a stick or pole, wrapping it up
cotton-candy style. Anyone who’s a real jerk will do the same thing with
his bare hands. In such cases, there is a 20% chance that the Cob which
spun the web will still be around. The angry Cob will hide its microscopic
body on the victim and inflict the Curse of Pigpen, which causes the
character to exude an aura of dirt and dust and lowers his Charisma to 3
until he touches another Cob web—at which time the Cob will scurry to
its new home.