Ferment (Necromantic) Reversible
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 segment
ST: None
AE: 1 gallon/level

By means of a
ferment spell, the caster causes liquids,
even liquids of high viscosity, to ferment
their sugar and starch (if any) into alcohol.
Most natural liquids would be fermentable,
but the final judgment of what liquids
are and are not is up to the DM. 1
gallon may be fermented for every level
the spell-caster has. Alcohol content ranges
from 2% to 8% in the finished product
(roll 2d8). The mash thus produced is not <2d4?>
necessarily rendered palatable by the

The reverse of the spell, spoil, does
to liquids what wild vinegar yeasts do to
wine; it makes them go bad. Note that <Wine as a medicinal tool>
good wine can be spoiled, but bad wine
cannot have its awful taste reduced by
further fermentation. The material component
for this spell is a raisin (spoiled in
case the reverse of the spell is desired) or
other dried fruit.

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins