Find Water (Divination)
Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: 3 turns
Components: V, S, M
CT: 4 segments
AE: 1" path

This spell enables
the caster to find any water source within
range of the spell, allowing him to estimate
how plentiful the water is. After
casting the spell, the druid may search the
immediate vicinity, and any water within
3" of the druid in the direction of concentration
(along a 1" wide path) will be
detected. The druid will be able to tell
approximately how much water there is;
these estimations will be: traces only, a
small amount, a goodly amount, a large
amount, or a vast supply. The druid will
not know whether or not the water is
drinkable until he reaches it. Thus, the
druid might detect a water source beneath
a cave floor, but will not know if it is potable
until the party digs down to it. Note
that no barriers of any kind affect this
spell. Water can be found through rock,
metal, or any other material, as long as the
water is within spell range and area. The
material component for this spell is a
forked stick (divining rod).

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins