Geyser (Alteration)
Level: 5
Range: 12"
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 turn
ST: 1/2
AE: Special

This spell causes
a geyser to erupt from the ground, shooting
scalding steam and water high into the
air. The geyser will shoot up to a height of
20-80’ instantaneously, and continues to
spout for 1 round. The area of effect is a
function of the geyser’s height. The water
will fall in a circular pattern around the
point of eruption, with a diameter equal to
1/2 the geyser’s height. Creatures hit
by the geyser itself take 3-36 hp damage
from the scalding water, while creatures
within the area of spray take 1-12 hp
damage. Successful saving throws vs.
breath weapons cut damage from the
geyser in half. The geyser itself is 1-4’ in
diameter where it erupts.

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins