Nectar (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 segment
ST: None
AE: 1 flower or blossom

When a druid
casts a nectar spell on a flower, he is able
to grasp it in his hand and "milk" it. Up to
one quart of nectar can be milked from a
flower. The plant upon which the flower
grows must be living. The nectar is mildly
alcoholic, and has the flavor and fragrance
of the plant from which it is produced.
The nectar itself is of the same quality as a
fine wine. If the druid holds a receptacle
beneath the flower, he can fill it with the
nectar. Otherwise, he can simply hold the
flower over his or another's mouth. Creatures
that prize fine drink will appreciate
this druidic spell.

The Natural Order
By Arthur Collins