Arabel (AIR-ah-bell)

AT A GLANCE: Arabel is a mid-sized city
of almost a thousand main buildings in
eastern Cormyr, situated where The
East Way meets Calantar's Way. Arabel
is a fortified city, though has many
posts for trading houses outside its

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Arabel is first
and foremost a merchant city, famed
for its jewelry (principally that of the
merchant House of Thond). A number
trading companies have major outposts
here, and there is always a floating
pool of mercenary talent to be hired
at any time. The city is also the main
shipping area for coal in Cormyr, gathering
the coal from mines in the Gnoll Pass
area. A map of Arabel may be
found on page 25.

    Arabel was for a brief time in recent
memory the center of a swordsman's
Empire. This swordsman was Gondegal,
the "Lost King," who in the Year of the Dragon (1352 DR)
attempted to
carve a kingdom for himself, centered
on Arabel and extending north to the
Desertsedge Mountains, south and
west of Wyvernwater and the farms
outlying from Eveningstar, and east to
Tilver's Gap and the mountain passes.

    "Gondegal's reach was longer than his
blade," men say--he could not hold any
of his territory against the might of Cormyr,
Sembia, Daggerdale, Tilverton,
and several of the dales--all of
whom he drew blood and ire of in the
making of his throne.

    Gondegal ruled for less than a season;
he reigned for scarcely eight days; the
remainder of his rule being spent fighting
here & there in the lands he
claimed against one foe or another. His
troops were largely mercenary, and his
treasury of seized goods, was small and
soon GONE. One night Gondegal's force
simply melted away before the advancing
host of Cormyr and was gone.

    The forces of King Azoun IV retook
Arabel on the morn without wetting a
blade; no man found Gondegal's body.
He is known to have fled north and the
east, via Teshwave, and then his fate
becomes a matter of conflicting
rumour and lejend. Most believe he
still lives, with a score or more loyal followers,
keeping court in the wilds
somewhere, a careful and ruthless bandit
who takes care that none survive
one of his attacks to carry tales anywhere.
When entire caravans vanish at times,
anywhere between the High Dale
and far-off Impiltur, he is blamed
in the taverns.

GAME INFORMATION: Gondegal is said to be a tall, grey-haired
warrior of 20th level and N alignment,
and a specialist in combat with
both long sword and two-handed broad
sword. Whether he yet lives, the magic
|| treasure he carries, and who his
allies might be are all unknown.

    Arabel is currently ruled by Myrmeen Lhal,
a ranger of good/neutral
alignment and 12th level. Myrmeen's
lordship tends to TURN on the fact that
she permits the traders & merchants
to engage in whatever tactics they see
fit, as long as no one is hurt and the
crown is not endangered.

1. Citadel (and jail)
2. Palace (court, assembly hall)
3. House Marliir (noble family)
4. The Weary Knight (inn of good quality)
5. The Lady's House (temple of Tymora)
6. The Dragon's REST (guesthouse && barracks, owned by the crown for quartering of its guests)
7. The Whistling Wheel (inn)
8. The Traveler's Banner (inn)
9. The Lamps (hardware store)
10. "The Bazaar" (market AREA)
11. Eastgate
12. The Eastwatch Inn
13. The Iron Throne (merchant company) yards
14. Milzar's Yards (rental stockyards)
15. Thousandheads Trading Coster (merchant company) yards
16. Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant company) yards
17. Elfskull Inn
18. Calantar's Gate
19. Red Raven Mercenary Company HQ
20. The King's Trading Yards (crown-owned, but avail. for rental)
21. Trueshield Trading Priakos (merchant company) yards
22. The High Horn Gate
23. The Night Wolf Inn
24. Mother Lahamma's House (boarding house)
25. Raspral's Kiss (festhall)
26. Six Coffers Market Priakos (Merchant Company) yards
27. Gelzunduth Warehouse
28.     "    "
29. House of Gelzunduth (local merchant)
30. Rhalseer's (boarding house of good quality)
31. House of Kraliqh (local merchant)
32. House of Bhela (local merchant)
33. Well
34. House of Misrim (local merchant)
35. House Hiloar (local merchant)
36. Shassra's (boarding house of good quality))
37. Falcon's REST (inn of good quality)
38. House of Nyaril (local merchant)
39. The Watchful Shield (rental bodyguards)
40. Dulbiir's (rental costumes && finery, escort service)
41. Mulkaer Lomdath, fine tailor
42. The Silver Tankard (tavern)
43. Mhaer Tzintin, Moneylender/-changer
44. Eighlar's Fine Wines
45. Jhamma's Silks and Furs
46. Dhelthaen (butcher)
47. "The Strongwatch" (rental warehouse, heavily guarded)
48. The Pride of Arabel (inn of good quality)
49. Orbul's Fine Carving and Furniture
50. Khammath's Crystal (shop)
51. The Black Mask (tavern)
52. House of Thond (local merchant)
53. Hawk's Perch Trading House (pawnshop)
54. Szantel's Ropes, Cords, Chains, and Mesh
55. The Wary Warrior (weapons of all types)
56. The Two-Headed Lion (tavern)
57. The Striking Snake (tavern)
58. The Coiled Whip (tavern)
59. The Gentle Smile (festhall of good quality)
60. The House of Baerlear (local merchant)
61. The Black Barrel (tavern)
62. Hundar's Fine Carpets, Perfumes, and Lanterns
63. Iardon's Hirelings (rental servants, escorts, loaders && lifters, mourners, message || errand runners)
64. Monument to Dhalmass, The Warrior King
65. The Silver Stallion tack shop
66. Green Phial medicines && physics shop && clinic
67. Mhaes's (festhall)
68. House of Thond rental warehouse
69. Six Coffers Market Priakos (merchant company) warehouse
70. The Bent Bow (tavern)
71. Laeduth's (boarding house)
72. The Red Sword (tavern)
73. Vaethym Olorar, rental Falconer
74. Saerdar's Silks and Flowers
75. The Hungry Man (restaurant)
76. The Chalice (fine brass && metalworks)
77. The Net of Pearls (gowns, jewelery, and lingerie)
78. Nelzara's (boarding house)
79. Buldo Cravan (butcher)
80. The Eyes and Ears of Arabel (messenger service, caravan-guard hiring service, fast delivery service within Arabel)
81. Kelsar's Fowl (live poultry && game birds)
82. Ssarra's (restaurant)
83. The High Moon Inn
84. The Orange Banner Inn
85. The Lady's Tastes (fine clothing)
86. Soldiers Boots (tavern)
87. The Red Stirge (inn)
88. House Misrim Warehouse
89. The Velvet Couch (festhall)
90. The Burning Blade (tavern)
91. Nathscal's (rental) Warehouse
92. The Lavander Lion (festhall)
93. The Smoky Skull (tavern)
94. The Old Warrior (inn)
95. Zelond's (rental) Warehouse
96. Zelzar's (pawnshop && used goods)
97. Naneatha's (festhall)
98. The Dancing Dracolisk (tavern)
99. Thael Diirim's Parchment and Proclamations
100. The Roll Roast (inn)
101. Daglar Maermeet (armorer)
102. Orphast Ulbanath (scribe, cartographer, genealogist)
103. The Moonlit Touch (nightclub, festhall)
104. Quezzo's (rental) Warehouse
105. Dhaliima's (boardinghouse)
106. The Three Sisters (pawnshop, used && damaged clothes && goods)
107. Nuirouve Dornar, Potter
108. Fillaro's Overland Food (barrels of fish, etc., from the Sword Coast || Inner Sea)
109. The Blue Mace (inn)
110. House of Baerlear warehouse
111. Hhouse of Lheskar Bhaliir (owner of the Dancing Dragon && the Dancing Dracolisk taverns, && fence of stolen goods)
112. The Dancing Dragon
113. The Open Casket (pawnshop, used goods, caravan liquidations, && fence of stolen goods)
114. Ghastar Ulvarinn, Stonecutter
115. Baalimr Selmarr, Carpenter
116. Dazniir Relharphin, Wheelwright
117. Cheth Zalbar, Purveyor of fine perfumes, soaps, lotions, dyes, and cosmetics
118. Bracerim Thabbold, Bedbuilder
119. The Lamp, Lantern, and Candle Shop of Nphreg Jhanos
120. Tamthiir's Leather Shop: fine clothes made to order
121. Psammas Durviir (tailor)
122. Elhazir's Exotica (rare && unusual gifts && treasures)
123. "The Baths" (bath-house, wrestling gym, and beauty parlor)
124. Wayscross Inn
125. The Ivory Jack (tavern)
126. Phaesha's (boarding house)
127. Vondor's Shoes && Boots
128. The Feasting Board (eatery)
129. House Hiloar warehouse
130. The Lame Camel (tavern)
131. Blackhand Lhaol's smithy
132. House Misrim warehouse
133. House of Kraliqh warehouse
134. The Scarlet Spear (inn)
135. The Lazy Lizard (tavern)
136. The Watchful Lynx (inn)
137. Nyaril warehouse
138. House Misrim warehouse
139. The Swinging Gate (inn)
140. The Nine Fires (inn)
141. The Three Bars (inn)
142. The Tired Traveler (inn)
143. The Wink && Kiss (tavern)
144. Thousandheads Trading Coster (merchant company) warehouses
145. The 'Pork Market' (yards)
146. Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant company) warehouse
147. Ssantusas's (rental) Warehouse
148. Dhalgim's Yard (fuel: wood, charcoal, oils, kindling)
149. The Copper Cockatrice (hardware shop)
150. Irriphar's Inn
151. The Murdered Manticore (inn)


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