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1st Edition AD&D - - - Forgotten Realms

AT .A GLANCE: The region of Battledale
is a series of low hills and dales that lie
between the Pool of Yeven && Haptooth Hill.
There are a large number of small farms
and homesteads in that AREA.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES:  This region of
oft-disputed ground is gently rolling
farmland, open and a most suitable site
for large battles (hence its Name).  Battledale
has seen heavy USE in all manner of
conflicts, and still serves as the local site
of the Shieldmeet.

Battledale has no official ruler or seat,
though Essembra (Ess-SEM-brah) serves as a trading
gathering/goods center for the Dale,
and the leader of the Shieldmeet, War
Chancellor Ilmeth, is sent as Battledale's
representative to the Dales Council.

despite its hostile Name, maintains no
standing army, and the title "War Chancellor"
is hereditary.  Ilmeth is a 12th level Lord,
dark of beard and mood,
who continually wonders at the
strengths of the various factions in the

Ecology Fund

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