Bladethirst (Alteration)

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: Blade(s) of one weapon
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

By means of a pinch of powdered silver, adamantite,
or mithral, and at least a drop of
(human) blood, the caster endows the
blade (or blades) of an edged weapon
with a + 3 bonus to hit on the following
round only.

This temporary magic is
visible as a blue-white glow about the
weapon, and fades when the blade
strikes a creature or the spell expires,
whichever first occurs. The weapon
must be touched by the caster, and can
be wielded by the caster or any creature
-- but if it is thrown, cast, or
launched (i.e., a fired missile weapon
such as an arrow), the + 3 bonus will
not apply. (Note that an arrow held to
stab like a dagger would gain the

The weapon does not gain a + 3
bonus on damage, but is considered
magical for hit purposes on the round
following spellcasting, and if it must
make a saving throw during that
round, it gains a + 3 bonus on the save.
(Polearms such as spears and halberds
are edged weapons, but spiked weapons
such as a flail or a morning star are
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