Calimshan (CAL-im-shan)


AT A GLANCE: Located south of Tethyr,
the rich lands of Calimshan are a hotbed
of merchant dealings and double-dealings.
Predating Waterdeep and the
cities of Amn, the Calishites are one of
richest and most powerful nations on
the western coast of Faerun.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The nation of
Calimshan is really a collection of
squabbling city-states, each such city
ripped by its own internal merchant
factions and power struggles. The largest
of these states is Calimport, and it is
here that a sequestered Pasha relaxes
and debauches while his servants and
bureaucratic underlings squabble
about the kingdom.

By royal decree, all ships of Calimport's navy
and merchant fleet fly the
flag of Calimshan; a gold field with blue
lines slanting across it. This, plus the
nature of these traders to gloss over
troubles at home, gives the illusion of a
vibrant, unified nation.

Calimshan considers both Amn and
Waterdeep its economic rivals, and is
also involved in a continual series of
clashes with "the Border Kingdoms" to
its east, which are considered part of
the Calishite sphere of influence only
by those who must report to the Pasha.

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