Dismind (Enchantment/Charm)
Reversible: Restore Mind

Level: 9
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell
consists of a phrase spoken while the
caster touches the recipient (the spell
may be cast on oneself, serving as a "last
resort" escape from certain death, torture,
or mental damage), causing the
recipient's mind to fly from his body.

The body instantly undergoes a curious
transformation: it remains in the position
it was when the spell was cast, surrounded
by a glowing aura of force that
allows nothing to touch the body, stopping
all physical attacks, crushing, or
probes. The limbs of the body can be
shifted by pushing on the invisible
armor of force, but when released will
slowly drift back to the original position.
Magical attacks, fire, poisons, and
corrosive and disease-producing substances
(including ochre jelly, green
slime, rot grubs, and the like) cannot
reach the body to do it harm. The
bodily processes of a disminded person
are totally suspended, so that the body
does not age or breathe. Disminded
persons have a vacant stare. They cannot
use any of the senses of the body
they have abandoned, nor can they
return to it without aid.

The freed mind wanders behind
mental defenses of its own making,
immune to all forms of magical, psionic,
and other mental contact or attack. A
wandering mind is not detectable by
any known means, and never leaves the
Prime Material Plane. It cannot control
where it goes and what it observes, and
typically retains little memory of its
visions and speculations. (A DM should
describe 1-6 scenes or phrases of
thought without giving any explanations.)

A wandering mind cannot deliberately pray, study, or research spells,
or choose to observe any particular
event, locale, or individual.
A wandering mind can be fully
restored to its body by an alter reality
(limited) wish, or restore mind, the
reverse of this spell.

Restore Mind: The reverse can
also be used to cure insanity and all
mental disorders, feeblemindedness,
and physical brain damage. It will end
any mental controls (including quest,
geas, and magical charms cast by spell
or by creatures such as nixies or vampires)
of any form upon a recipient
mind, totally freeing the mind from the
influence(s) without causing the individual
any harm?but it cannot restore
lost psionic powers. A delirious, drunken,
exhausted, or drugged creature can
become clearheaded and mentally alert
by means of this spell. A saving throw
applies to both spells, and if successful
against a restore mind (regardless of
the wishes of the disminded recipient
creature), the spell will have no effect.
Such a failure does not mean the mind
cannot be restored, but only that the
particular spell cast at that time did not
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