Dragonspear Castle

AT A GLANCE: Dragonspear Castle is a
sprawling ruin situated on a trio of low
hillocks to the east of the Trade Way. It
appears desolate and abandoned.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This vast, ruined
sprawl of high walls and toppled spires
visible from the Trade Way is little more
than a hundred years of age. it was
originally the home of Daeros Dragonspear,
who built the stronghold at the
height of his adventuring career.
Daeros was slain some sixty winters ago
in battle with the forces of the evil wizard Casalia.
Dragonspear castle was
soon afterwards beset by other evil
spell-casters and brigands seeking to
gold and treasure within. Daero' company
of skilled warriors repelled a
number of these attacks, but in the end
the entire company was slain or driven
away, and the citadel was plundered.

The ruined fortress fell empty for a
time, and thereafter served as temporary
home to small groups of bandits or
outcast mages. These would prosper
for a few years raiding the caravans of
the Trade Way until driven out themselves
by mercenary companies from
Waterdeep, or by Khelben and his

In recent years, some evil agent allied
with the orcs, trolls, and bugbears of
the High Moor succeeded in opening a
gate to the Nine Hells within the castle.
Strengthened by a growing army of
devilkind, the combined forces of the
High Moors tribes devastated the area
from The Way Inn to Boarskyr Bridge,
such that today that part of the Trade
Way is not considered safe territory.

In the face of the Diabolic incursion,
armies were raised in Waterdeep and
elsewhere to clear the Trade Way and
destroy the evil at Dragonspear. The
attempt to empty the castle met with
heavy resistance, and the battle continued
for almost two years before the castle
was again cleared. Most of the
structure was burned in the process,
leaving an empty shell on the moors.

The wreckage of Dragonspear Castle
is considered desolate, though priests
of Tempus have set up a small shrine
within the castle walls, in hopes of
keeping evil creatures from using it as a
base again. Few inhabitants of the
Sword Coast will camp near the Castle
by choice, and rumors persist of excavations
that predate Daeros' fortress,
and of a still-operational gate.


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