
Level: 8
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 2" by 9" cone
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Special

unleashing of a great shout instantly
drains the caster of 2-8 (2d4) hit points,
which can be regained by rest and curative
magic; a system shock survival roll
must also be made.

The caster releases
a wave of sound of stunning force akin
to a horn of blasting; 18 structural
points of damage dealt in a 1"-wide, 8"-
long path--sufficient to smash a drawbridge,
split a boulder, or flatten a
normal cottage.

All creatures in the
cone of sound must save vs. magic;
those saving are stunned into inactivity
for 1 round and deafened for 2 rounds.
Those failing the save are deafened for
4 rounds, stunned for 2, and suffer 1-10
hit points of physical damage. All magical
and non-magical items in the "narrow
path" described above must save
vs. crushing blow or be destroyed.

Creatures in the "narrow path" take
double (2-20) damage if they fail to save,
and 1-10 (plus 2 rounds of stunning and
4 of deafness) if they successfully save.

MC: The material component for this spell is
some minor item upon which a
dweomer has been cast (or failing that,
a scroll or magical item), which is held
by the caster and consumed by the spell
in the casting. Artifacts cannot be used
to power a great shout.
The Spellbook of Daimos - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms

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