Impiltur (IM-pill-tur)

AT A GLANCE: Impiltur is a nation of
united city states rising in the area
between the Earthfast mountains and
the bay called Eastingreach, south of
Damara on the shores of the Sea of Falling

formed two hundred and sixty winters
ago, when the independent cities of
Lyrabar, Hlammach, Dilpur and Sarshel
were united by Imphras, war-captain of
Lyrabar, to face the menace of hobgoblin
hordes advancing from the Giantspire
Mountains, from whence they
had only raided sporadically before.
Impiltur today is a war-ready realm,
still on the frontier of "civilized" lands,
but largely at peace. It is friendly with
its neighbors Telflamm, Rashemen,
Aglarond, and the scattered states of
Damara, and does not meddle in affairs
beyond its borders.

Impiltur is still a land of opportunity
for the daring and the hard-working;
rich new copper, silver, and iron lodes
have been found north of Lyrabar and
near the High Pass, and trade is increasing
in the area, reaching out to Rashemen,
Sembia, Procampur, and Bloodstone Pass.
The arms of Impiltur are a crossed
sword and wand on a dun banner, bordered
in scarlet.

Impiltur's imediate neighbors are
friendly and open to the nation and its
citizens. One is not, and another is questionable.
Lothchas the bandit-lord operates in
the Desertspire Mountains and the Ice
Gorge to the west, where the hobgoblins
lived ere their strength was broken.
Lothchas is a 15th level lord with a
small but powerful group of followers
(numbering about 50 total, but including
all non-good character classes and
not including any less than 9th level).
Those trespassing on his lands are
robbed and slaughtered, and not even
the descendants of Imphras II can turn
him out.

The other neighbor is questionable;
to the north and east in the Great Dale
and the woods north of where Narfell
once flourished, dwells the Nentyarch,
a mysterious mage of great power who
rules grim men and strange beasts, living
in peace, unless the wood is entered
by those he has not invited; such uninvited
guests simply vanish.

Sambryl is a magic-user of 17th level
and chaotic-good alignment, who
understands the need for her appearance
at leadership but finds it boring
and tedious at best, unpleasant and
insulting at worst.

The Lords of Imphras II are the true
protectors of the realms, and number
twelve; their levels are unknown but
not less than 11th, and their alignment
almost always lawful and good. Their
names are:
    Kyrlraun (a 20th level paladin),
    Imbra, Lashilaun, Limbrar, Soargilm,
    Haelimbrar, Sambrar, Rilimbraun,
    Imbraun, Silmgar, Silaunbrar, and

Ecology Fund

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