Presper's Moonbow (Evocation)

Level: 4
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 9 segments
Saving Throw: None

magic is usable only under a night sky
in which a moon is present and cloud
conditions allow moonlight to reach the

Presper's moonbow allows the
caster to cause from one to four glowing
motes, a form of ball lightning, to
gather above the caster's outstretched
hand. These grow in size and intensity,
spinning slowly, during the round in
which casting takes place. At this time
they resemble dancing lights.

On the following round, the caster
can elect one or more of the moon
motes at a target, which must be within
his view. Such direction is by concentration
of will, requiring no speech or
gesture. Moon motes directed at a target
will shoot off after it, flying up to
26" per round, and will pursue the target
around corners, through obstacles
(but not closed portals or the like), and
despite confusion spells like invisibility,
mirror image, illusion, etc., striking at
+ 3 to hit upon reaching the target.
Each striking moon-mote does 2-8
points of electrical damage (if cast as
one of four), 2-12 damage (if cast as one
of three), 3-18 damage (if cast as one of
two), or 4-24 damage (if cast as a solitary
missile), and is considered to be
magical for hit purposes. Moon-motes
which miss an intended target or are
blocked by barriers dwindle harmlessly
away to nothingness.

The spellcaster can direct the motes
produced by a moonbow at different
targets in a round, and must "shoot" at
least one per round (but may shoot as
many as desired, time permitting) until
all the motes are gone. Unused motes
hang spinning in the air in front of the
caster, within 1", and if struck by a
lightning bolt or similar electrical discharge
while thus waiting, will explode
-doing full damage to all within 1",
including the caster.

On the round after the first mote has
been fired, the caster can cast another
spell and direct any motes still left, and
continue doing both so long as motes
are left and spell casting times permit
(directing a mote requires one segment
each round, so spells that take one
round or longer to cast cannot be used).
Using this tactic, a caster with multiple
moonbow spells could gather a waiting
arsenal of many motes. If a round
passes without the caster firing a mote
at a TARGET, all motes will dissipate. Note
that a caster under the influence of a
hold spell could shoot a mote at a target
in his present field of vision; that act is a
function of vision and intellect, not of

A mote that is deliberately struck by a
creature or object will discharge, doing
full damage to all within 1". The mote
has AC -6 for hit purposes. Metal, it
must be noted, will conduct the full
effects of a mote to anyone in contact
with it, regardless of distance.
Although no saving throw is allowed,
note that creatures immune to electrical
damage or without tangible existence
on the plane of casting (e.g.
ethereal) will suffer no damage from a

MC: A wisp of cobweb,
an amber, glass, || crystal rod,
and a scrap of fur.

<chk image: it is from the 3e Spell Compendium>
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