Sting (Alteration)
A of E: One creature
CT: ½ segment

person-affecting cantrip enables the
caster to harm a single creature up to
4" distant in a minor way: by making a
buzzing noise and pointing an extended
finger at an area of his or her own anatomy,
the caster causes a brief (2 segm
e n t ) b u t i n t e n s e p a i n i n t h e
corresponding area of the target creature
(unless the latter saves vs. spell).

This pain causes no permanent damage
(i.e., loss of hit points), but if applied to
the eyes it can blind for 1 round, or it
can silence coherent speech by afflicting
the tongue, or cause delicate manipulation
of tiny objects (jewelry, or
material components in spellcasting) to
be ruined, and the handled item(s)
dropped or fumbled. Thus, spellcasting
can be ruined by successful use of a
sting. The cantrip is a once-only magic,
causing but one pain if successful. It is
often used to warn or cow ignorant
creatures who threaten the spellcaster.
The Alcaister - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms

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