
AT A GLANCE: Suzail is the royal capital
and richest city of the kingdom of Cormyr,
and home to the most important
merchant houses of Cormyr. The city is
dominated by the fortified castle of
King Azoun IV, which is set apart from
the lower city by its splendid gardens,
and rumored to have rich burial
grounds beneath.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The city is justly
famous for its bazaars, its ivory sculptors
and clothmakers. Of the
former, hundreds of winters of ivory
gleaned from the "Utter East" and hot
jungles of the South has found its way
across the Inner Sea in great shiploads
of raw tusk and fragments, and here
been fashioned into inlays and goods
for Amn, the North, and the Sword Coast cities.
Of the latter, wool is woven
as well in the Sembian city of Daerlun,
but those who work looms in Suzail
hold that their work is finer, and the
colors more true and more lasting.
A map of Suzail is provided on page

semi-precious material, which is
enhanced in beauty (and value) in its
carving. Raw ivory is purchased for
Suzailian craftsmen by the pound, at 1
gold piece per pound for large chunks,
half that shattered scraps suitable for
enlay. Elephant, mammoth, and walrus
ivory all command standard prices, but
that of rare or magical beasts can gather
prices up to 10 times standard.
King Azoun IV is a Cavalier of 20th
level and LG alignment. He is rarely
alone, for he has a personal bodyguard
of six level 8 fighters, and in addition is
often in the company of his court which
includes among its numbers some of
the more powerful Cormyrians, such as
the wizard Vangerdahast.

His majesty carries a number of items
(rings, bracers, and the like) that provide
immunity from various forms of
attack, and it is rumored that he is the
recipient of a specialized spell which, if
gravely threatened, will teleport him
elsewhere (the stories say the destination
of this teleport is the castle in
Suzail, though others say the spell
reaches the crypts beneath it, or to the
castle of High Horn).

Vangerdahast, Royal Magician to the
Realm of King Azoun IV and Chairman
Emperius of the College of War Wizards,
is a Wizard of 15th level. Vangerdahast
is of lawful-neutral alignment,
and is quiet and unassuming, though
highly respected by his peers both for
his knowledge and courtly tact. He does
not suffer fools and fops well, but has
an undying loyalty to the crown.

Sthavar, Lord Magister of the City, is
the local lord entrusted to the day-today
governing of Cormyr's largest city.
Sthavar is a fighter of 15th level, lawful
good alignment, who maintains a separate
residence outside the palace
grounds. He maintains a compliment of
six guards of 5th level, and his herald,
Xorn Hackhand, is a mage of 9th level

1. Palace
2. Lake Azoun
3. The Royal Gardens (or "Floral Gardens")
4. "The Promenade" (the street, from Eastgate to Horngate)
5. Eastgate
6. The Nightgate Inn
7. The Markey Yard
8. Market Hall
9. The Lock-up (city jail)
10. Citadel of the Purple Dragons (garrison)
11. Royal Docks
12. Harbor Tower
13. The Field-Gates
14. The Fields of the Dead (burial ground); off the map to the west)
15. The Market
16. The Basin
17. Horngate
18. Monument: The Purple Dragon
19. House of Lord Magister of the City Sthavar
20. The "Royal Court" (interconnected buildings)
21. Court Stables
22. Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant company) "yards"
23. Thousandheads Dealing Coster (merchant company) "yards"
24. The Seven Suns Trading Coster (merchant company) "yards"
25. The Six Coffers Trading Coster (merchant company) "yards"
26. Rheuban's Stables
27. Iravan's Rental Yards
28. Trueshield Trading Priakos (merchant company) "yards"
29. Talahon's Rental Yards
30. Shipyards
31. The Towers of Good Fortune (temple of Tymora)
32. The Silent Room (temple of Deneir)
33. The Royal Smithy
34. Shrine to Lliira
35. Shrine to Oghma
36. Shrine to Malar
37.  The Winking Eye  (tavern)
38. The Old Dwarf (tavern)
39. The Dragon's Jaws (tavern)
40. The Weather Eye (tavern)
41. The Golden Goblin (tavern)
42.  The Laughing Lass  (tavern)
43. Zhaelun's Stockyard
44.  The Crying Witch  (tavern)
45. The Leaning Post (inn)
46. The Six Candles (inn)
47. "The Jaws" (culvert, taking stream to basin, #16)
48. Thelmar's Inn
49. Selavar's Inn
50. Zult's (licensed moneychanger)
51. The Black Rat (tavern)
52. The Mare's Tail (tavern)
53. The Courtyard of Zathchos
54. Taneth's (festhall)
55. Sontravin's Inn
56. Skatterhawk's warehouses & dock
57. Shrine to Tyr
58. The Wailing Wheel (inn)
59. Sulchra's (festhall)
60. The Warm Bed (inn)
61. Skatterhawk family house
62. House of Helve Dhasjarr, fighter
63. House of Cormmor Lhestayl, fighter
64. Former House of Tethos && Almen Blood Hawk (court clerk); now home to a fighter, Lanneth Murg
65. The Tower of Argul (a wizard)
66. Former smithy-shop of Atham One-Eye; now a festhall, The Purple Scar
67. House of Dolchar Dethantar
68. Danain's (hardware shop)
69. Kriyeos Lathmil's stables
70. Tower of Laspeera (female mage)
71. Wyvernspur House (see Immersea map for other holdings)
72. Shrine to Milil
73. Warehouse of Jhassalan (oils && perfumes)
74. Tower of the Mage Baskor
75. Warehouse of Faerl (ivory)
76. Warehouse of Ossper (fine cloth)
77. Vangerdahast's Tower (Royal Magician)
78. Blackhand apartments (Court residence)

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