Tasirin?s Haunted Sleep (Enchantment/
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell
can only be cast successfully upon a
sleeping creature. The slumber must be
normal -- unconsciousness, coma, or
similar states of mental injury, such as
concussion, drugs, astral or psionic
activity, and charm-related spells will all
cause the spell to be ineffective.
Tasirin?s haunted sleep puts the recipient
into a deep sleep for one turn per
level of the caster, and early awakening
from this state can only be accomplished
by a (limited) wish, dispel magic,
the infliction of acute pain (i.e., wounding)
upon the recipient, or at the caster
?s will. The target creature is allowed
a saving throw, which if successful will
negate the effects of the spell.
The caster is never directly aware of
the target?s thoughts or mental state, or
of the success of the spell. While in such
a deep sleep, the creature is open to the
influence of subconscious visions or
dreams. The spellcaster can project one
specific scene or vision into natural
mental activity, and this will come into
the victim?s consciousness soon after
awakening. The vision?s clarity, detail,
and accuracy depend upon the caster?s
concentration, for the scene must be
held in mind during the casting. Such
visions can masquerade as divine communications
or memories, and can be
used to influence decisions, goad the
recipient into a certain course of action,
trouble the recipient, or, conversely, to
calm and rest the recipient at a time of
mental anguish or troubles. A spellcast

er skilled in the use of this spell can
boost morale, joy, or enthusiasm?or
crush it.
During the ?haunted sleep,? the recipient
is especially susceptible to any one
suggestion spell, which can be cast by
the caster of the haunted sleep or
another spellcaster, and is saved against
at -3 by the creature in ?haunted
sleep.? Such a suggestion will be ?heard?
by the recipient as an inner mental
voice, and must of course be in a language
which the recipient understands
to be successful. This spell cannot be
cast on oneself.
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