Yulash (Yoo-LASH)

AT A GLANCE: Yulash was obviously
once much larger and fortified, but half
the buildings have been reduced to
scattered piles of stone. Those which
remain have been clustered behind
hastily-contructed stockades or sealed
over to produce fortified buildings. The
largest of these stockades is set up
about the ruins of the main citadel,
which flies the banner of Zhentil Keep.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This fortified
market-town has recently become a
strategic holding, changing hands
between the troops of Zhentil Keep and
Hillsfar a number of times, and largely
reduced to rubble in the process. At the
onset of the current winter, it is in the
hands of Zhentil Keep, and is a small,
hastily-rebuilt, tightly-controlled military

Somewhere beneath Yulash, local legend
has it, there is a gate to other
worlds that opens only to those who
know its secrets.

current garrison consists of 144 fully
armored mounted men-at-arms (full
plate and plate barding for the horses),
372 lightly armored guards/skirmishers
(banded armor, swords and staff slings,
52 archers, three clerics of Bane (6th
level), and three mages of Zhentil Keep.
The foremost of these mages, and
present commander of Yulash, is Szamaeril,
a 10th level Lawful-evil magic-user,
and his assistants are levels 6 and
8 in magic-use.

Ecology Fund

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