Blacklight (Alteration)

Level: 2
Range: 1"/level
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throws: Neg
Area of Effect: 20' radius globe

By means of
this spell, an illusionist creates a stationary,
temporary area of darkness.

darkness is total and impenetrable, foiling
even infravision and ultravision.
Normal and magical light is negated
unless light or continual light magics, or
a dispel magic, is used to destroy the
area of blacklight. This spell is different
from the usual magical darkness in that
the caster (only) can see normally in the
area of effect, seeing the spell effect
only as a faint, smoky grey or blue haze.
Thus the illusionist can move, attack,
cast spells, and the like normally.
Creatures within the area of effect
are adversely affected in combat by the
darkness, although a blindfighting proficiency
aids against this. Creatures in
the area of effect of blacklight are
allowed a saving throw versus spell (at
-3) for each round in which they
remain in the blacklit area; if successful,
they can see as well as the illusionist
who cast the spell can, for that round
only (i.e. a saving throw must be made
each round; if made one round and
then failed the next, a creature’s blindness
will return). The caster of a blacklight
can end it at will, although
continual concentration is not necessary
to maintain its existence, and the
illusionist may cast other spells after
the blacklight is created, without
destroying it. (Note that spells that
depend upon victims seeing the spell
effect will not work if the victims are
blinded by the blacklight.)

MC: A piece of coal and
an eyeball (from any creature; it may be dried and preserved).
Selvar's Ineffable Conjurations, Magicks, and Phantasms - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms


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