Catapult (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 14"
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One object

By means of
this magic, the caster causes any single,
small (i.e. of less than 3# weight)
object touched to immediately flash in a
straight line along the caster’s pointing
finger to its max. range (when it
reaches that max., the object will
fall harmlessly straight down to the

Although this spell is sometimes
used to move harmful objects
away or transfer keys, coins, and the
like to other beings, it is most often
employed as an offensive weapon. If
any being is struck by the flying object,
it does whatever its normal damage
would be (i.e. normal sling stone, bullet,
dart, or dagger damage, or 1-2 for small
stones, and 1-3 for larger stones) plus 1
point due to its velocity. It strikes as a
+3 magic missile weapon, considering
the base hit chance as equal to the spellcaster’s
when striking directly. This
spell can only so affect one object.

If the
object (the spell’s material component)
touched is heavier than the spell’s limitations,
it quivers, but does not fly, and
the spell is lost.
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