Cloak of Reflection

Enc.: 2.5 (worn), 5 (folded)
IS: Cloth +2
XP: 1500
GP: 10,000
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

Lore: These cloaks were made to protect
rangers and other traveling messengers
in the service of the High Lady
of Silverymoon. The precise magical
defenses against each spell are now
unknown, the knowledge having died
with the maker of the cloaks, the mage
Irentalar. The attacking caster or wielder
can escape the cloak’s reflective
effects only by escaping into another
plane (or extra-dimensional space).
Momentary dislocations such as blink,
dimension door, and teleport are not
sufficient to escape, and distance is not
a factor. Elminster does not know of
any instance in which the wearer of
such a cloak faced a creature having
spell-like natural powers akin to the
spells reflected by the cloak, but
believes that such spell-like powers
would be reflected as are spells and
magic-item functions.

Functions: This cloak (many have been
made) confers a limited spell immunity
upon any one living creature wearing
or covered by it. The following spells
and spell-like magical item functions—
and only the following spells—are
directed back at the caster/wielder as

• Magic missile — reflected back at
caster with full effect (no saving throw).

• Shocking grasp — discharge directed
back instantly into caster and
nullified; caster takes no damage, but
spell is lost.

• Forget — Spell distorted and
thrown back at caster, who is confused
as per the 4th level magic-user spell
confusion for the following round (no
saving throw); the forget spell is lost,
and neither caster nor cloak wearer
forgets anything.

• Irritation — Reflected back at caster,
who is affected normally unless save
is made (negates effect).

• Ray of enfeeblement — Reflected
back at caster, who is affected normally
unless save is made (negates effect).

• Hold person/animal/monster (if
cast at cloak wearer) — Distorted by the
cloak and reflected back at caster, who
must save vs. spells (at par) or be slowed
for two rounds.

Tasha’s uncontrollable hideous laughter — Reflected back at caster, who
is affected normally unless save is made
(but the caster’s saving throw is always
at par, never at a minus due to intelligence).

• Polymorph other — Reflected back
at caster, who must save at +2 or be
affected normally (system shock roll
must be made, form received is as caster

• Feeblemind — Reflected back at
caster, who must save vs. spells at +2
or be affected normally.

• Color spray — Reflected back at
caster, who must save vs. spells or be
struck unconscious for 1-2 rounds.

• Entangle — Cloak wearer is unaffected
by entangle, but the spell has
normal effect on other creatures within
area of effect; magic is not reflected
back on the caster.