Level: 3
Range: 1"/level
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Nine cubic
feet, plus 1 cubic foot per level
By means of
this spell, a druid can
temporarily make
dead and withered trees
appear living,
green and healthy.
Dead or bare (e.g. in
winter) trees, shrubs, or
vines can be
made to cloak themselves
in leaves
(enough to afford concealment,
but not
enough to use for an entangle
Dry firewood can be made
enough that it won’t light—or,
if already
alight, the flames will
die down to a
thick, choking smoke (in
a cloud equal
in effects to that produced
by the druidic
spell). Dry, seasoned
wood (such as a ship’s mast)
can be
made to bend and snap under
a strain
like green wood; rotten
wood (such as
an old bridge or ruin) will
usually collapse
or become unsafe to carry
future load.
Damage to plants suffered
by such a
condition is permanent,
but the wood
will otherwise revert to
its former state
at the expiration of the
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