Level: 3
Range: 1"/level
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throws: Special
Area of Effect: One missile
This spell
allows its caster to change
the flight of a
single missile (per round)
in mid-air,
hurling it back at its sender
or at any
other creature. Such a missile
strikes as
though wielded by the caster
of the
mastery directly, as a proficient
at +4 to hit, and does its
damage. They may in turn
be readily
deflected by magical means
(such as
shield or gust of wind).
missiles only gain a saving
throw vs. spell (that of
their caster or
sender), aided by any pluses
they have.
Magic missiles (the spell
or wand) are
negated (dissipated into
by any attempts to use mastery
them—but only one of the
multiple missiles
created by this spell when
it is
employed by a mage of respectable
level will be deflected
by use of
mastery. Further spellcasting
is impossible
while a magic-user is using
it can, however, be ended
instantly by the cessation
of the mage’s
concentration. Concentration
is not
broken by physical attacks
on the
magic-user, who can freely
engage in
physical combat without
wasting the
second and third rounds
of mastery.
The only benefit this spell
gains a
mage trapped in a blade
barrier is a +1
to the initial saving throw
the magic-user’s chance
to escape the
forming blades. The mastery
must have
already been in effect,
however; if the
time is taken to cast it,
the blade barrier
will have fully formed—no
throw is then allowable,
and there are
far too many blades moving
about for
mastery to be of any use
against them.
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