Plague (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 100 turns/level
Saving Throws: Neg.
Area of Effect: Creature touched

This spell
allows an illusionist to cast a special
type of spectral force requiring no continued
concentration, on any one creature.

The illusion created involves
smell, texture of skin, appearance, and
the like, in a simulation of the symptoms
of any severe contagious disease
the caster has closely seen examples of
before. If the caster has never observed
such a disease, he or she can invent and
visualize symptoms, but they are 30%
likely to be seen as false and magically
created. Otherwise, such an illusion is
only 6% likely to be detected. The victim
suffers no damage (and indeed, may
not be aware that the illusion exists, as
the victim cannot see the illusion, but
only his or her real form), but may well
be slain or driven away by others ere
the spell expires. Cure disease and similar
magics have no effect on the plague
illusion, but dispel magic or dispel illusion
have the usual chances, i.e. 50%
base chance adjusted by 2% downward,
or 5% upward, for each level of
experience lesser/greater of the caster
of the dispel compared to the illusionist
who cast the plague of nullifying this

MC: A scrap of human skin (from any source, of a size at least as large as a gold piece) and
a pinch of soot or charcoal or black mold or fungus growth.
Selvar's Ineffable Conjurations, Magicks, and Phantasms - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms


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