
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 5 rounds plus 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

By means of
this magic, the casting of which
involves a piece of snakeskin (or a portion
of a dead snake) which is consumed
by the magic, the caster
instantly teleports <(without error)> snakes to his or her

These living snakes appear in
the caster’s mouth, and are vomited
forth. They do not choke or otherwise
harm the caster, and never attack him
or her. Until the spell expires, they
serve the caster, fighting to the death.

The snakes are normal- and not giantsized
varieties, and may be both venomous
and constrictors. One snake
appears for every three levels of the
caster (rounding down); a maximum of
six serpents can issue from a caster’s
mouth in any one round. Until they
have all issued forth, speech, spellcasting,
or pronunciation of magical item
activation words on the caster’s part is
impossible. The caster can breathe normally,
can swallow without affecting
the arrival of the snakes, and can freely
engage in movement and combat.

Summoned snakes range in armor
class from 9 to 6, move 12" to 16" per
round, have up to 2+2 hit dice, and
attack by biting for 1-2 damage (plus, if
venomous, poison of Insinuative Types
A, B, or C) and/or constricting for 2-5
points of damage per round. While the
spell lasts, the caster’s control of the
snakes cannot be broken by any means
except slaving t h e c a s t e r o r t h e
snakes — dispel magic and charm magics
do not end or overcome the caster’s
control of the reptiles. Controlled
snakes attack or not as the caster wills,
switch targets if desired, constrict without
harming (or biting), use their coils
and jaws to gnaw ropes or turn keys,
carry wands to the caster or move other
small objects about, and engage in
other non-combat activities.

However, a vipergout does not enable
a caster to empower a snake with special
powers, increased DEX or INT, or force a snake to attack itself.
Vaerendroon's Infeffable Enchantments - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms


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