Hellgate Keep

In ancient days, when the elven kingdom
of Eaerlann began to suffer under
orc attacks from the north, and the
human kingdom of Netheril to the east
across the Graypeak Mountains was
passing away under the onslaught of
the Great Desert, the elves built a great
fortress in the head-valley of the river
Delimbiyr. The fortress commanded
Turnstone Pass to the northwest and
defended their own northern border.
Upon its completion, the elves turned
over the citadel, and its task of defending
against orcs, to human refugees
from Netheril.

The fortified city, known as
Ascalhorn (it was built on a jutting crag
known as Ascal's Horn), was thought of
as another Myth Drannor. Over hundreds
of years of success, followed by a
generation of peace when no orcs
came, the city's people grew proud and
splendid. Their wizards nearly attained
the power and skill of their Netherese
forebears. Possibly they planned to
recapture the splendor and power of
Netheril or even Myth Drannor -- but
succeeded only in destroying themselves.

One ambitious dabbler in sorcery
named Wulgreth (possibly the Wulgreth
who destroyed Karse) opened a
gate to the Nine Hells in secret, seeking
aid, and received it. The city was slowly
infiltrated by devils, at first only as servitors,
quiet and quick, but subsequently
as schemers and go-betweens,
subverting many mages to embrace
lichdom, then rising to torture and
devour the citizenry with cruel ease. In
desperation, many turned to arcane
lore books and summoned demonkind
to battle the servants of the Hells?a
strategy that worked far too well, as
hordes of demons poured into
Ascalhorn and overwhelmed humans,
devils, and liches alike (a few liches
remain as servants, intrepid adventurers

Ascalhorn became a ghoul-hold,
guarded by cambion troops, and ruled
by at least one Type VI demon. The
city's troops are commanded by a
deathknight, who leads or directs many
patrols in the surrounding lands. The
city, now known as Hellgate Keep, is
shunned by men. Human and dwarven
forces have failed on several occasions
to take the city, but the evil troops have
been likewise rebuffed in attacks on
Citadel Adbar, Sundabar, and Silverymoon.
Those cities, reinforced by the
open city of Everlund, hold Turnstone
Pass, albeit shakily, against Hellgate
Keep's forces to prevent unchecked
attacks throughout the North by the
Keep's armies.

the type VI demon who rules here, was
once the master of a city at the base of a
dead volcano (later called the Great Pit
of Northending) during the age of dinosaurs
on another world. He brought his
special pets with him: magically modified
pterosaurs with manticore-like tail
spikes. Shan Nikkoleth, the deathknight
commander, also has an other-worldly

The forces of Hellgate Keep scour the
wilderness for treasure for their master
and the Keep has become a storehouse
for the treasure of many lost

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