10. Giants’ Quarters

A large bell is attached to the inside of each
of THE DOORS to this room. Either will sound,
alerting the frost giant guards (room #9), if
NOT opened with care. If alerted, the guards <cf. Open Doors roll>
arrive in 1 round.

The room is noticeably [chill] and damp <cf. Dampen>. It is
furnished with oversized chairs and beds, and
there are shelves on the wall about 12'
from the floor. Upon these shelves (unseen to
man-sized visitors, due to the angle) are 3
gold jeweled cups (1,500 gp each) and a dagger +1 (XP: 75) in its sheath. 
Under the beds are 2 10-foot-long blocks of ice (in tubs), slowly
melting. Giant-sized weapons hang on pegs

>>11. Storeroom>>