Feng Shui (Divination)


Level: sh3
Components: S
Range: 0
Casting time: 1 turn
Duration: instant.
Saving Throw: Yes
Area of Effect: 50' radius

This spell is an improved version of detect harmony.
When cast, all the properties of detect harmony are
gained. In addition, the caster gains special insight
into the appropriate actions to counter or benefit
from the influences of the area. This second ability
requires the caster to make a saving throw vs. spells.
If he succeeds, he gains some valuable intuition. If he

fails, he cannot decide on a clear course of action.
While correct, insights gained from the spell are gen-
erally vague and open to some intrepretation.

For example, a shukenja casts a feng shui spell while
standing in an old temple. He instantly detects the lingering
aura of evil over the place. Pondering hard
(and making a successful saving throw), he decides
that this evil could perhaps be counter-attacked if the
temple were thoroughly cleansed through a purification
ceremony. Later, he casts the spell when setting
up camp. Unknown to him, there is a kappa living in
the district. Again making his saving throw, he realizes
this site has bad feng shui and he would do better to
set camp further away from the water.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui (Wind & Water) is the ancient Shou art of
place divination. A master of feng shui is able to divine
the proper place in which to perform certain activi-
ties, such as casting spells, creating magical devices,
or locating safe places for camps and fortifications.

Every aspect of Shou life holds elements of feng
shui. Whenever a wise Shou citizen sets up a house-
hold, builds a compound, or even moves the furni-
ture, he first consults with the local feng shui master.
The master will advise him on the direction in which to
place his front door, align furniture, and avoid
building in evil places. By doing these things, bad for-
tune or evil will be avoided.

Certain things promote good or bad feng shui. For
Good Feng shui Bad Feng shui
Round doors Triangular doors
Round windows Triangular windows
The color red The color black
Near water Doors facing street
Ornate front gates to scare evil Windows or doors facing west
Windows or doors facing north -

The feng shui spell can be used by wu jen and shu
kenja. Members of the scholar class are also able to
use feng shui. Feng shui is an excellent way to give
players clues as to the nature of a place. Players
should soon realize that a triangular temple with
black walls and triangular doors facing west is a place
to be approached with great caution!