Attacks and Damage by Monster Type (Addition)

    This system is to be used with the varying damage by weapons and in no event is it recommended for USE w/o the aforementioned.

#: 30-300
AC: 7
MOVE: 3/15
HD: 1
%L: 40%

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/2 hands
DAMAGE PER ATTACK:  1-8 bite/1-4 hand

More intelligent than lizardmen, these aquatic creatures use weapons as men do.
They hunt fish, their primary food source. They maintain regular underwater communities
where schools of fish are kept penned with nets for food. Giant seahorses are used extensively for
transportation. In many ways, the civilization of the mermen rivals that of humans. When out of
the water, they will take one die damage per turn during daylight, and one die per four turns
during darkness, as well as quadruple damage from fire weapons. SPells and special suits are
usually used when out of the water (to retain their moisture)

Giant Crab
#: 3-12
AC: 2
HD: 3
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: <not on prev. page>
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: <not on prev. page>

These mighty crustaceans cannot swim, but, rather, walk on the bottom,
moving sideways. The can move out of the water with no ill effect but will stay close to the water.
With their huge pincers, they can seize any normal man sized opponent, sometimes catching two
or more (25% chance of catching 1-3). They mainly raid the underwater farms of teh mermen
who consider them a nuisance since the mermen can easily grapple with them and pull them off
of their feet, underwater, thereby rendering them helpless. Only during the Spring do these
armored giants voluntarily leave the water, and then in tremendous numbers, for mating and egg-laying.
Anything found in their path is immediately attacked and torn apart. Fortunately, they
rarely go inland more than a mile, and usually frequent the same hatching grounds from year to

Giant Octopus
#: 1-4
AC: 7
MOVE: 3/9
HD: 4
%L: 30%

# OF ATTACKS: 1-6 tentacles/1 bite
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-6 tent.*/1-6 bite (* -- 1st Rd; +3 subseq. rds. -- constriction)

Living in the shallows near shore in dark caves, these great mollusks venture
forth to feed on bottom dwelling creatures, such as giant crabs, and to seize unwary swimmers
and small vessels. In large numbers, they have been known to attack large vessels, but only after
provocation. Generally peaceful, they will not attack unless attacked first and will not retreat until the
attacker is within 100 yards, but then only into its cave.

Giant Squid
#: 2-12
AC: 7/3
MOVE: 3/12
HD: 6
%L: 20

# OF ATTACKS: 1-6 tent./beak
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-8 tent.*/1-10 beak (* -- 1st Rd; +3 subseq. rds. -- constriction)

Similar to the giant octopi, the squid is far more vicious and is able to swim
around much more to feed on fish of any size, including whales, which are a favored delicacy. Attacks
on ships of all sizes are common since they to the squid to be whales on the surface.
Individual swimmers are usually ignored, unless they come from a ship that has been attacked.
Along with the octopi, these creatures are able to emit an inky cloud when frightened and/or
retreated, which greatly obscures vision. There is a 33% chance that these creatures will return to
their cave when wounded, otherwise they fight to the death. The squid's beak will act like a ram
on any ship that it grapples for an entire melee round. (Treat as ship-to-ship ram). Squids tire
easily; there is a 50% chance that they will withdraw after three rounds of melee, with a 5% increase
each turn thereafter.

Giant Crocodile
#: 12-60
AC: 5
MOVE: 9/15
HD: 6
%L: 20

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite (70%)/1 tail(30%)
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-24 bite**/3-12 tail (** -- roll of 19+ (95%+, in any case) -- victim seized & severed)

Living in swamps along rivers, seas and lakes, these ferocious predators
will attack any unwary traveler or small boat that ventures near. Assaulting in large numbers,
they will attempt to overturn small open decked craft, to enable them to attack their prey. Their
favorite mode of attack is to use their massive jaws, dragging their kicking victims under the
water. Their tails, however, are also deadly weapons, able to stun a man in the water, knock him
down on land, or swamp and capsize very small boats, such as skiffs.

Giant Toad
#: 3-30
AC: 6
MOVE: 1/318
HD: 1-2
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-10/save vs. poison (spec.)

These relatively harmless creatures prey on all types of insects, but when
threatened or provoked will defend themselves to the death. These creatures are found all over
the world in many different types of terrain, blending into it due to their protective coloration
(treat as invisible). These amphibians have the ability to leap 18"/turn, passing over obstacles/creatures
up to 30' tall. While leaping, they may not attack, but they are capable of
taking off in any direction within 45° of their facing. Their long tongues can attack any opponent
within 15'. If the tongue hits, it will adhere and draw the opponent into the mouth to be
bitten on the next melee round. If the tongue is hit (see Special Damage Section) it will attempt
to disengage (score equal to hit), but if unsuccessful, will fight at double value, but will be unable
to use the ongue again (since it is extremely sensitive, it will not expose it again, except in a life
or death situation). They will attack any healthy insect of two hit dice or less, or any wounded insect.
All insects will attempt to avoid whenever possible.

Giant Frog
#: 4-40
AC: 7
MOVE: 1/3/24
HD: 1-3
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite

The giant man-eating frog is truly vicious, attacking any small creature that
crosses its path. It's tongue issimilar to that of the toad, and is used the same, though its range is
only 10'. Ic can however, leap farther than the toad (24"). Its primary diet is insects and rats, but
it is hunted by snakes and mermen, as well as several species of birds and reptiles (as is the toad)
but avoided by insects. Found in swamps and along rivers (but not where it enemies are likely to
be) they will leap on passing ships from the shore to seize its victims. They are unintelligent and
will retreat upon sustaining damage, but will fight to the death if badly wounded or trapped.

Giant Leech
#: 2-12
AC: 8
HD: 2
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 2-12 bite/drain (spec.)

Found in swamps and concealed underwater, they will attempt to attach themselves
to any warmblooded creature that comes within one move (6"), causing the victim to lose
one life level each turn that it remains attached. They can be removed by killing them, but the
victim must get a cure disease spell as soon as possible, or die within a month.

Giant Beaver
#: 10-40
AC: 5
HD: 4
%L: 85

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/2 paws
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-24 bite/1-8 paw

Not inclined to fight, these neutral creatures will flee when met openly, and
fight only when cornered or trapped. They build great dams in order to create ponds in which to
build their huge mud andwood "castles". They are remarkably intelligent and can be persuaded
to build dams and other earthworks in exchange for jewelry, gold, or gourmet bark. Very
valuable is their hide which commands a high price, in addition to the trinkets in their lair.
When an alarm sounds all the beavers in the area will return to the central lodge and fight
ferociously to drive away the attackers, not giving up until either successful or dead. Kits (8 pts
or less) can be subdued and sold for a high price in the markets.

Giant Otter
#: 10-40
AC: 6
HD: 3
%L: 15

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/2 paws
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 3-18 bite/2-12 paw

Another relatively harmless creature whose antics of play may cause great
damage, even though unintentional. They also possess a highly prized pelt, as well as a store of
trinkets in their dens. Their aggressiveness is nil, but they will feign attacks and leap about so
disturbingly as to frighten horses and overturn wagons, as well as boats theat they scamper and
and gambol about. Their antics conceal a vast native intelligence that prevents them from falling into
any trap not magically guarded. Their agility makes them excellent for hunting other creatures,
once having been domesticated, or more likely, captured as kits or born into captivity. Due to
their extreme rarity, they are highly prized as zoo specimens or pets of the very wealthy. When
cornered, when the young are jeopardized, or when the lair is discovered, they will fight viciously
until the young are safely away, and then withdraw themselves.

Giant Wasp
#: 3-30
AC: 5
MOVE: 6/24
HD: 3
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 sting
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-8 sting (spec.)

Feared by all, these creatures can deliver a deadly sting, similar to a cast spear
dipped in poison. There is an 80% chance that it can only sting once, and never more than twice.
The victim, if not killed outright, must receive a neutralise poison spell within 24 hours or perish
(no saving throw vs. poison). Within an hour of being stung, the victim will be unable to move
without help, and within twelve hours, any movement (except teleportation or similary smooth
mode) will kill him outright. Any victim that dies from such a sting has his chances of being
brought back to life by any means reduced by 30%.

Giant Beetles

There are five different types of giant beetle that one might encounter,
though other esoteric species have been reported.

    Beetles in general also feed on other insects, although wasps are not much affected by them.
Any object brushed up against a beetle will be investigated by the feelers (the taste test) and if
edible will be seized immediately in the jaws/mandibles and carried off. Since beetles eat virtually
any organic material, the referee must determine if a hapless adventurer become "beetle
brunch'. The jaws/mandibles will grind a victim to facilitate effortless swallowing, thereby
eliminating any chance of resurrection.

Giant Beetle, Stag
#: 2-12
AC: 3
MOVE: 6"
HD: 6
%L: -

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 3-12 mouth/1-10 each horn

The giant stag normally measures 10' from tip to tip. It has an affinity for rainding grain fields
and forests, its two most common habitats. Unintelligent, it will fight only when attacked or
when it moves against an object that resists being crawled over, (they will eat flesh if it is encountered)
impaling the victim on its two 10' horns!

Giant Beetle, Rhinoceros
#: 1-6
AC: 2
MOVE: 6"
HD: 12
%L: -

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-16 mouth/2-16 horn

The rhinoceros beetle is some 20' long and 10' wide, and is found in the tropical rainforest of
the equatorial regions. It has a single huge horn (usually 8-10') extending in front of its body and
is heavily armored. They roam the forests eating fruit from the trees, and either destroy anything
in their paths (using their horn as a ram, 2-16 pts. damage), or simply flying over it.

Giant Beetle, Bombardier
#: 3-12
AC: 4
MOVE: 9"
HD: 1
%L: -

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-12 mouth/spec.

The bombardier beetle is rather small (6' or less) lives on the surface and is capable of
moving pretty fast. They subsist on dead flesh andlay their eggs in huge piles of offal that they
gather. When disturbed, they fire a cloud of very smelly, reddish acid from their abdomen, while
making an explosive sound (10% chance of stunning anything within 60' of five dice or less;
duration 2-8 turns: 20% chance of causing temporary deafness (2-24 turns) in anything within
same distance of six dice or less -- role for each separately. They may do this every other turn for
three times (in six turns). Treat the cloud same as black dragon breath weapon, but with half
range and half damage.

Giant Beetle, Fire
#: 3-12
AC: 4
MOVE: 9"
HD: 1-1
%L: -

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 3-24 mandibles

Fire beetles are very small (2-4'), but armed with crushing mandibles. Their main claim to
fame is their peculiar luminescence, emanating from two spots near the eyes that emit a greenish
light, and another spot near the tail that glows red. The lights produce a soft steady glow, and
this makes fire beetles highly prized by adventurers bound for dark regions. They live off of grain
and wastes as do other beetles.

Giant Beetle, Boring
#: 2-12
AC: 3
MOVE: 6"
HD: 5
%L: 50%

DAMAGE PER ATTACK:  3-18 mouth

Boring beetles are about 15' long, and 5' thick. They most commonly are found in large trees
or unused tunnel complexes. This species grows yellow mold for food, as well as cultivating many
of the other vile jellies and slimes often encountered in dungeons. Of all beetles, these are the
most intelligent, but they are by no means capable of independent thought. However it is
rumored that large numbers of them can approximate a fairly intelligent community consciousness.
They start their nauseating cultures by gathering various dead bodies and rotting offal
andadd a small bit of the substance to stimulate growth (sort of putrid Petrie dishes).

Fire Lizard
#: 1-4
AC: 2
HD: 12
%L: 60

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/2 claws/breath
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-16 bite/1-8 claw/spec.

(Also called the 'false dragon') These large lizards are of identical appearance to
dragons, without wings. Of similar size, they are commonly mottled gray, and are rumored to be
the ancestors of present day dragons. They share a number of habits with dragons, such as
seeking out shiny baubles with which to line their nests, and taking ten year naps after sealing off
their cave. Unlike dragons, these beasts take but 10 years to mature, and have only limited
growth, while living a century. Also unlike dragons, they harbor no great affection for their
young. They can go as long as ten years without eating, but if given sufficient chance, they will
wolf down a cow or two every month. They are relatively immune to fire (like dragons) and can
breathe a small puff of smoke and fire (1-10 pts. of damage within 10'). Dragons will avoid injuring
or fighting them if possible. They are believed to be unintelligent.

Minotaur Lizard
#: 1-6
AC: 3
HD: 8
%L: 50

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/2 feet
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-32 bite/2-20 feet

Quite large in their own right, they in no way resemble dragons or fire
lizards, and seldom exceed 40'. They can neither fly nor breathe fire, but have exceptionally long
and sharp claws with which they attack and rend their prey. They live 40 years, maturing within
10. They drag their prey into their den before they will feed on it. They will attack anything that
enters their den.

#: 1-4
AC: 4
MOVE: 12
HD: 20
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite(80%)/1 butt(20%)
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-32 bite/1-10 butt

Body length is 40', with serpentine neck some 25' long. They are propelled
by four flippers. Favorite trick is snatching crewmen from deck of passing ships, never giving
warning. Only very small boats are in danger of being sunk by them, but any crewman on an
open deck or in the rigging is fair game.

#: 1-4
AC: 3
MOVE: 3/15
HD: 10-20
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite

Gigantic marine lizards averaging 40' in length. They will occasionally overturn
small craft, but usually dine on aquatic creatures.

#: 1-4
AC: 4
MOVE: 15
HD: 20-25
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite

Huge, broad sea serpents usually over 40' in length, with paddle like legs.
They have short necks, but heads are commonly 8-9' long. An endangered species, they are quite
vicious (which would seem to account for their reduced numbers) and will attack any vessel that
intrudes into their hunting territory.

Giant Shark
#: 2-12
AC: 5
MOVE: 24
HD: 4-9
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 6-24 bite*** (*** -- roll of 18+ (90%+, in any case) -- victims swallowed)

These behemoths from the deeps are simply highly efficient eating machines.
Attracted by activity in the water, they will not usually attack unless: the victim is wounded, they
are attacked, they are wounded, hungry (30% chance), the victim is making an awful commotion,
or the victim is bite-sized (like a Hobbit!). They are hereditary enemies of mermen.

#: 1-8
AC: 5
MOVE: 18
HD: 40
%L: -
TREASURE: inside type 'H' x 3

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite (55%)/flukes(45%)
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 10-80 bite/15-150 flukes

Generally peaceful, they will avoid a fight unless attacked first. They use their great
size (200' +) to batter their enemy, and once stunned, or otherwise motionless, they will swallow
them with their immense jaws. They have been known to swallow small boats (under 35') intact
with crew. There is a 1% chance per HP that their immense bellies will hold treasure. Their
oil and flesh are both valuable.

Giant Eel
#: 2-16
AC: 7
MOVE: 12
HD: 1+4
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/"jolt"
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 4-16 bite/jolt (spec.)

They live in tidal areas or rivers. They are capable of inflicting electric shocks of
two sizes, the smaller being used to stun prey or warn off intruders. They can generate 3-5 such
jolts within one hour, with a range that varies according to their size:
12 Pts. 60' 2 die jolt -- 4 die jolt
8 Pts. 40' 1 x 8 sided die -- 2 x 8 sided
4 Pts. 20' 1 x 4 sided -- 2 x 4 sided

Average size is 10', but rare specimens can be double this (2 die +4).

#: 2-16
AC: 6
HD: 3
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/drain
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-4 bite/drain (spec.)

Similar to very mobile leeches, they range from 1 HP to 18 HPs. They
drain blood very quickly (2-5 turns), at a rate of one level per HP. Evolutionarily primitive,
they are hard to kill.

Sea Horse
#: 1-20
AC: 7
MOVE: 12
HD: 2-3
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 butt

Harmless by nature, they have been domesticated by mermen to serve as steeds,
and are capable of the same variety of tasks/uses.

Portuguese Man-O-War
#: 2-12
AC: 8
HD: 2
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1-100 tentacles
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-8/save vs. paralization

Possesses 10-60 deadly tentacles, up to 100' long. Body is about
10' across. Big advantages are protective coloration (tentacles indistinguishable from weeds),
complete silence and lack of brain waves to detect. Tentacles can paralyze (save vs. same), but
only sustain 1 point each, then are severed. Only destruction of the body sac will kill it.

#: 2-20
AC: 6
MOVE: 15/21
HD: 2+2
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 butt
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-8 norm/2-12 in war harness

Possessed of a great intelligence, they have organized nomadic underwater communities.
They will attack any larger creature which threatens them. They can butt their enemies
for 1-8 pts. damage, unless they are fitted with a war harness, in which case they do damage as a
moving spear. (The harness is a rig that contains a long wicked spear that protrudes in front.)
They will come to the aid of any humans being attacked by denizens of the deep. They will attack
sharks on sight whenever the odds are less than three to two against the dolphins. They are normally
found in schools of 2-20, with there being a 75% chance that there will be 1-4 more such
groups in the same area of ocean. They can communicate with other dolphins using telepathy
which has a range of 50 miles. They detect the use of magic within the same range (50 miles)
and are as magic resistant as dwarves.

Aquatic Elf
#: 10-300
AC: 5
MOVE: 12/18
HD: 1
%L: 30

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-10; or by weapon type

Also called sea elves, they are akin to mermen as land elves are to men.
Found almost exclusively among heavy weed beds in quiet sheltered waters, they are
friends of the dolphines. They fashion great caverns in lagoon bottoms and reefs, where they
establish shops that fashion fishing and seaweed harvesting equipment from indigenous materials
(bone, weed, wood and sinew). These they trade with land elves for metal goods (they are unable
to forge underwater) as well as rare metals found in the sea. For every 60 sea elves, there is a
50% chance that they are accompanied by 3-6 friendly dolphins. They are humanoid in appearance,
with gill slits on the throat. Seaweed affords little or no hindrance to their movement.
They are invisible in weeds or on reefs. They are mortal enemies of sharks and sahuagin, and will
attack either if they outnumber them. They are friends to dolphins and land elves, and neutral
to all others, except for fishermen, whom they dislike due to the number of sea elves snared in
nets and killed mistakenly as sahuagin by ignorant humans.

Pungi Ray
#: 1-4
AC: 6
HD: 6
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 spine per sq. ft.
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-4/spec. poison

Often mistaken as a piece of low weed or sea grass on the bottom, the Pungi Ray
is deadly. Each of the seemingly innocent green stalks is really an iron hard spike full of deadly
nerve poison. Their protective coloration is excellent (treat as invisible outside 10'). There is a
50% chance that there will be 1-10 gems inside the carcass. Each square foot of a body that lands
on a ray will suffer a separate poison attack. (Ex. -- walking on one would be two attacks -- one
for each foot. Landing on one would be 20-30 attacks.) Treat the spines as poisoned daggers (if
saving throw vs. poison is made, still suffer dagger damage.) If the ray is able to cover the victim,
treat it as a Giant Leech.

Manta Ray
#: 1-4
AC: 5
MOVE: 8/12
HD: 12
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/tail
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: spec. bite/1-6 tail/save vs. para.

This giant -- as much as 75' across -- is best known for its 15' mouth which is
capable of devouring virtually any non giant species in a single gulp. It has a great stinger in its
tail which is treated as a mace with a save vs. paralization needed if it hits. Normally a
solitary predator, it blends with the sea floor. Due to its lightning speed, the first rush is nearly
impossible to dodge. Its indiscriminate feeding habits label it neutral. There is a 75% chance
that the stomach will hold 2-20 gems.

Water Spider (Giant Sea Spider)
#: 1-12
AC: 5
HD: 4-6
%L: 65%

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-4 bite/save vs. poison

Normally found living in great air bubbles in heavy weed beds, they
normally feed on small fish. They accomplish this by weaing webs in the weeds, usu. in clusters
of 12-24 near the lair. The only entrance to the lair is through the bottom through an air-lock
type arrangement. The main chamber is from 10-100' across. Many an abandoned spider nest
has provided refuge to air breathers.

Weed Eel
#: 10-100
AC: 8
HD: 1
%L: 100%

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-4 bite/spec. venom

Small and weak, these 2-4' creatures live in burrows on the ocean floor, never
leaving them. Living in colonies of 10-100, they appear to be harmless reeds swaying with the
current. When alarmed, the "reeds" appear to vanish into the lairs (which are interconnected into
a labyrinth) with their heads facing out and bodies filling the entrance. Inside, the tunnels
expand to 5' diameter. Their only defense is their bite, which when it strikes home will kill in one
turn. If not resurrected within 6 turns, the body is beyond saving. They will never stray from their
nests, but when striking they have a range of 10', the attack being so swift that for all practical
purposes they are always blocking the entranceway.

Sahuagin (Devil-Men of the Deep)
#: 10-60
AC: 4
MOVE: 18/30
HD: 2
%L: 30%

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 2-12; or by weapon type

A constant threat to man, beast and fish are the voracious SAHUAGIN whose only friends seem
to be the equally voracious and predatory Giant Sharks. Although of an intelligence equal to the
elves in many respects, the Sahuagin have taken and perverted virtually every aspect of
civilization to support their sadistic cannibalistic culture.

In the eons past there was a great flooding of the land (although history does not agree when this
occurred and it may have happened twice) when the ice caps were melted during a great struggle
of the gods to control the planet. When the water rose some of these gods took care that
representative portions of all life were preserved and returned when the waters fell and the land
became fruitful again. Others sought to change the nature of life so it could adapt to the new
face of the world and at the same time preserve its intelligence. On the one hand it is said that
the sea elves and the mermen were created by the Great Gods of Neutrality and law while the
Gods of Chaos bent their will to create the Sahuagin. In every aspect the Evil ones sought to
make the Sahuagin into the most evil of the evil and many agree that they succeeded in
making a race that fit the bill. Many individual horrors both on the ladn and sea may be in
themselves worse than the Sahuagin but no where will there be found a comparable race that as a
whole retains the worst possible qualities.

Much about the Sahuagin is probably myth but even if half of what is said about them is true
then they are, indeed, a terrible threat. With a huge leech-like mouth, large reptilian eyes, and
huge ear-like growths on the side of their heads they have an almost alien appearance. On the
upper body are two arm-like extensions that act as forward fins and end in two pincer-like
protrusions (opposed to each other) which are used to grasp tools and weapons. The main body is
reptilian in nature, covered with thick hide and has a rudimentary tail which is used much like
an alligator's tail for steering and propulsion. The two rear legs are located about 2/3 of the way
down the body and are long and frog like, ending in a six-toead webbed foot which provides great
stability when standing on soft sea bottoms and great propulsion when swimming.

They have an average underwater speed of 18" with max. speeds of up to 30" about once
every hour. Their tough reptilian hide is similar to leather armor while the body can sustain two
HD in damage. The mouth can be usesd to attach itself to or to rend the flesh of the victim
with its hundreds of razor sharp teeth. The tail can deliver a pile driver-like punch similar
to that wielded by a giant (club damage times two). The powerful pincers will crush anything up
to or under boney composition they grasp (as daggers). The back feet can tear apart any victim
that is grabbed by the forearms or otherwise act like the claws of a powerful animal. This formidable
array is aided by the sensitive ears that can pick up underwater noise as slight as a
boat's oars cutting through the water at ranges of ten miles. The compound eyes are sensitive to
light but can see thorugh the darkest depths for up to half a mile (80-90").

Their disadvantages are that their eyes generally keep them 100' or more below the surface,
although at night or during storms they will reach the surface. Their ears are easily damaged by
loud noises at close range and they cannot pick out the sound of swimming creatures (of any
kind). 10-60 will be found in a single group with a 30% chance they will be in a lair with Class
"F" and "A" treasure. The lair will be completely water filled since these creatures cannot
breathe air or fresh water at all.

When found in a lair there is a 10% chance that it is actually an underwater community of 100-
1,000 creatures. There is then a further 20% chance that this community consists of 1,000-10,000
individuals. The under water capital city has nearly 100,000 of these creatures residing within its
watery limits. These cities will have great fighters and MUs as well as underwater horrors
that live and fight for the Sahuagin. The ratio of these is as follows:

    per ten Sahuagin there is a 25% chance of a double value fighter (Hero type)
    per sixty there is a 15% chance of a triple value fighter (Super hero)
    per one hundred of these individuals there is a 10% chance of a quadruple value fighter.
    per five hundred of these individuals there is a 20% chance of a quintiple (5) times normal value fighter (Leader).
    per one thousand individuals there is a 50% chance of a six times normal value fighter.
    per forty there is a 30% chance of a second level MU.
    per one hundred there is a 25% chance of a fourth level MU.
    per two hundred there is a 10% chance of a sixth level MU.
    per five hundred there is a 25% chance of an eight level MU.
    per one thousand there is a 40% chance of a twelvth level MU.
    per group or up to sixty there will be 2-20 accompanying sharks. *
    per group of one hundred there will be an additional 10-60 sharks.
    per group of five hundred there will be additional 20-120 sharks.
    per group of one thousand there will be 100-400 additional sharks.
*(all totals for sharks are cumulative)

These creatures of evil are usu. armed w/ the trident and the net the former having a deadly
poison on its tip and the latter having hundreds of small hooks set into its fabric. The Sahuagin
have become very adept at the use of both these weapons and these weapons also suit their temperament
and regular habits. As an example the small hooks in the net hinder escape while inflicting
great pain on the live victims and when torn from the flesh have the usu. accompanying
sharks driven into a frenzy from which they may attack the helplessly snared victims. The tridents
provide the ability to pin and probe the victims while not inflicting any mortal wounds
(when the tips are unpoisoned) and allowing the Sahuagin to remain at a safe distance.

Victims are usu. brought to the nearest habitation (although only the ones with over 1,000 in
pop. would have confinement cells for air breathing types) where they are either promptly
eaten or penned in with some other predator to provide entertainment. The most common entertainment
is to set the sharks on the victim giving him only a small knife to defend himself.
There are dozens of variations on this particular theme. Once captured there is very little
psb. of escape and the sadistic nature of the captors has often allowed prisoners to think
that they escaped only to be set upon by the sharks and guards when freedom (seemingly) is
close at hand.

The culture of these creatures allows that there is only one King and he has only nine Princes
with lesser positions being held as the situation and pop. demands. These leaders are
always subject to challenge by any other member of the race to their position of leadership. The
leaders are usu. quite strong and several are reported to be mutations with four arms (this occurs
in 1% of the pop. as a whole) and the fact that the Sahuagin never cease to grow
throughout their lives (much like reptiles) so that the leaders are also usu. the older members
of the species as well. Unsuccessful challengers are always killed and any cripples that occur in
these fights are also disposed of, with esp. unpopular types being tortured to death. The
disposal of these victims takes place at an after the challenge party where they are eaten by the
other members of the group or community. This is also done with sickly members and others
thought to be unfit to be a part of the community. The females are expected to bear their share
of the fighting and are, visually at least, no different than the other members of the species.

The young are hatched from eggs and at birth, except for a few days right after birth, no
different in size, strength, or viciousness than any other tribal member. The birth rate is about 15%
a year and the average death rate about 10% a year.

FLOATING EYES: Actuall small fish with a huge central eye, they have the power to hypnotise
a victim or put fear into him. They can MOVE rapidly at 36" a TURN. Class VIII armor, take 1
H.D.-2, and travel in groups of 2-12. Saves are as for fear gas or being hypnotised. They
have no other weapon. Larger fish, like sharks, then eat the prey while the Eyes go after the
remains: the Eyes also feed on very small fish and plankton. They have no treasure.

Eye of the Deep
#: 2-12
AC: 8
MOVE: 36
HD: 1-2
%L: -

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/spec.

#: 90-150
AC: 5
HD: 2(-1)
%L: 75

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/spec.
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 3-18 bite/spec.

A race of Chaotic Clerical Philosophers, they resemble Manta Rays (i.e. having
a flat blanket-like form) with one in ten being a vampire equivalent (affected by any holy
or blessed item, not just a cross). They are found in groups of 50-150 creatures with 40-120 being
1st level philosophers (or clerics) and the rest 2nd-11th level (ten sided die add one). For every 25
such creatures there is a 50% chance of a M-U of the 6th to 11th level (d6+6).
For every vampire they possess one level F treasure, and one class "A" sea treasure for
every M-U over 8th level, magic items cannot be used if hands are required (Generally that
means that only items that can be worn on the body can be used).

#: 30-300
AC: 7
MOVE: 24/36
HD: 2(+1)
%L: -

DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 1-6; or by weapon type

This nomadic people ride eels are are found amgon the canyon floors roaming the
depths in search of food (Use standard NOMAD table for composition). For riding eels use a
24" standard movement rate with a 36" fast move every eight turns. They will be found in their lair
only 15% of the time (generally a castle which they maintain as a base camp with its own guards
etc.). The yare N by disposition and otherwise fairly civilized.

Morkoth or Morlock
#: 1
AC: 3
HD: 8
%L: 100


The shrouded wraith of the deep who makes his home in a series of
spiraling tunnels, which, when viewed from above form a hypnotic pattern that will exert a
pulling influence on anyone passing within 24" of it. At the center of the pattern is the
MORKOTH which, when you get within 6" will cast a charm person spell on you while adding
+4 to its effect. When attacked by magical or Clerical Spells the Morkoth will reflect back an
equivalent spell on the person casting it and anyone else within 10.

<POISONOUS CORAL: If one falls or cuts himself on this type of coral he must make a save
vs. the Poison or be cured by a cleric within 12 turns or die.>

#: 1-4
AC: 6
MOVE: 15
HD: 20
%L: 25

# OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/1 sting
DAMAGE PER ATTACK: 2-24 bite/1-8 sting/save vs. poison

Coral eaters, harmless unless frightened, if so is just like 20 HD Purple wowrm,
with treasure.

<STRANGLE WEED: Looks just like ordinary seaweed but crushes victim like a tentacle and is
found in clusters of 1-4. Weed and victim each roll four dice, adding four to the number that is
rolled on the dice. If the weeds roll exceeds the victim's by two or more add the difference as
damage to the victim (EXAMPLE a 12 and a 10 are rolled (after the 4 pips are added) meaning
that the weed exceeds the victim's roll by only two points which causes no damage, had the weed
rolled a 16 and the victim 10 then the victim would have suffered four points of damage). For
every point of damage suffered by the victim deduct one point from his subsequent die throws
(EXAMPLE: If he rolled a 10 next time he would add 4 points but then have to deduct four
points for the damage he suffered). Should the victim's die throw (after all modifications)
exceed the weed's by a factor of two to one, he has escaped. The weed is of class I Armor with
twelve HD, it can only attack parties within 10' of it.>

<LYCANTHROPES: Any warm-blooded creature has the potential to become a were-creature if
it lives through an attack by a lycanthrope that bites it. Should the wound be suffered in the
spring under a full moon, only a Cleric of 10th level or higher may effect a cure. There is always a
chance that the victim's 'were-self' will assert itself, thus causing a split personality. To determine
this, compare the were-creature's strength and intelligence to that of his victim. By using
the methods on intelligent/egotistic swords, the referee may determine which personality
will prevail in any given circumstance. Another aspect of lycanthropy is that men who are bitten
by an animal will assume that animal's form, but retain human direction and intelligence. The
reverse is true if an animal is the victim. Lycanthropes can be harmed only by magic, silver or
magic weapons.

Lycanthropy causes the following modifications:
    Hit Dice - Two to Four times regular number
    Speed - +20%
    Armor - up one class
    STR/CON - Add 1-3 pts. to each

NYMPHS: as DRYADS in all respects
MOTTLED WORMS: Similar to mottled purple worms on surface
GNOMES: Live in air-enclosed cities on the bottom connected to the surface by tunnels.
KOBOLDS: Live in air-enclosed cave complexes connected to the surface by tunnels.
LEECH: As regular D&D Leech
EVIL HIGH PRIEST: as D&D except that they live in underwater castles surrounded by a
spell which allows those within to breathe water just as if it were regular air from the surface.
SEA HAG: Same powers as Dryad but attempts to kill victims with her ugliness; same saving
through as against magic spell. Class "C" Treasure.
KOPOACINTH: As with Gargoyles but live in ocean (wings act as fins).
KOALINTH: Treat as Hobgoblins (water breathing type).
LACEDONS: As GHOULS in D&D rules but leader (5% chance per 50) is a WRAITH


RING OF FREEDOM: Allows one to move as if they were in air and allows you to inflict normal (surface) damage on opponent.

RING OF MOVEMENT: Same effects as ring of flying but instead of Air it works for swimming in water.

CLEARWATER POTION: Removes all salt from water in a 10' globe around the point of release.

MANTA RAY CLOAK: Moves one at the same SPEED as a manta ray, enables one to breath
water and also fights as a manta ray when released to do so.

NECKLACE OF WATER BREATHING: Allows one to breath water for 2 1/2 days (then requires
a 1/2 day rest after the 2 1/2 days continuous USE).

TRIDENT OF FISH CONTROL: Will allow wielder to control any non-air breathing swimming
creature (except P.M.O.W.)

NET OF SNAREING: Will automatically snare any swimming TARGET, up to a range of 50' towards
which it is thrown.

PEARLS: Treat the same as gems.

PINK PEARLS: Treat the same as jewels.

BLACK PEARLS: Treat as magic amulet good for one additional spell, which the M-U could normally perform.

GOLD PEARL: As black pearl but for Clerics.

RED PEARL: Allows Fighters to heal up on 10 HP a day when held to wound.

SILVER PEARL: Worth 10-100,000 GP, each (5% any gem will be one)

HELM OF UNDERWATER VISION: Allows the wearer to see 180" in any water not blocked by rocks, plants, etc.