Talisman of the Beast
Polyhedron - 1st Ed. AD&D - Polyhedron #19

Grand Prize: Talisman of the Beast (for the AD&D game) 
Rating: Usefulness #1; Originality #3; Rules Adherence #1

This is a talisman crafted in silver, bearing an exact likeness to a
forest creature. It hangs on a silver chain styled as leaves, with a
rune inscription on the back.

The runes are the command words for the item, scribed in
Druidic runes. One command is given for the Common tongue,
and the other for the speech of an animal. When the item is worn,
the bearer need only speak the proper (common) command to
Shape Change (in 1 segment) into the animal whose likeness is on
the talisman. The ability to Speak with Animals as the same species
(at will) is also bestowed while in animal form. There is no
limit to the duration; and the wearer need only speak the proper
(animal language) command word to return to normal form.

The talisman will function normally seven times per week. If
used an eighth time, the talisman traps the wearer in the animal
shape. This effect is permanent until Dispelled by the Great Druid,
or by a Wish, as the talisman is not detectable as
magical except by a druid's Detect Magic spell, a True Seeing
spell, or a Wish.
