(CG hf F6: Myrmidon)

Luis Royo - Amazone 02

RA: h
SX: f
AL: cg

ST: 12
IN: 10
WI: 9
DX: 7
CN: 13
CH: 6

LV: 6
HP: 25
AC: 3
+H: -
+D: -
DB: -
SB: -
#AT: 1/1
R/AT: -
AG: 8
AP: 6
PO: 7
SA: 8
GT: 1
#H: 1-2
MI: -
<fire-building proficiency>
<plays an instrument>
<lives on the moon>
<when she enters water, it forms into spiral waves around her>
<has a couple of WW2 grenades that she bought off of a gatewalker>