Victor Valorian (My only Paladin
to survive to retirement at 15th level, was coaxed out of retirement
and survived an adventure of my son's
best friend Dee Jay by sheer luck of the dice.
I retired him for good after that at 16th
level. His name was Victor Valorian. I use that
name for every video game Paladin I play.
<wink>) (Thanks: Norman K Kelly)
(LG hm P7: Chevalier)
RA: h
SX: m
AL: lg
ST: 12
IN: 11
WI: 13
DX: 14
CN: 12
CH: 17
LV: 7
HP: 34
AC: 2 [field plate]
SL: -
+H: -
+D: -
DB: -
SB: +2
#AT: 3/2
R/AT: -
AG: 6 [mature]
AP: 7 [dandyish]
PO: 2 [scant]
SA: 1 [very stable]
GT: 5 [helpful/kindly]
#H: 1-10
MI: -