This plain chamber is filled with wooden
racks for various spears, pole arms, and smaller weapons. The walls have many pegs indicating where other weapons and shields once hung. All that remains now are broken weapons, sundered shields, and ruined coats of mail. Several skeletons, both human and gnoll, lie scattered here and there, as well as odd skulls and bones. Cobwebs hang in places; if any creatures have been here, visits are not frequent. |
A close examination of bones reveals teeth
marks. Many bones are cracked, and the
marrow chewed out. No treasure is here,
nor anything else of value.
<examples of broken pole arms:>
<5: fauchard-fork, guisarme, bill, voulge, awl pike>
<5: medium lance, halberd, awl pike, bill hook, guisarme-voulge>
<1: halberd>
<3: bill-guisarme, halberd, fauchard-fork>