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<eg. Stone Container, Stone Container, Iron Trunk, Iron Trunk>
- # GP
Pork rind (Common; 5 cp/lb.): butcher, food store, tavern> 20 1
Inks, special (Scarce, 100-500 gp/oz.; Rare, 600-1000 gp/oz.): alchemist> (3 oz.) 3,000
Prism, mineral (Uncommon; 5 gp/ea.): glassblower, jeweler> 5 25
Brazier (Uncommon; 25 gp/ea.): candlemaker, smith, temple> - 25
Phosphorus (Uncommon; 5 gp/oz.): alchemist, glassblower, physician> <A bottle of dull red powder (phosphorus, worth 35 gp): T1-4.39> (3 oz.) 15
Gut (Uncommon; 1 gp/yd.): butcher, musical instrument shop> (2 yds.) 2
Salt /Rock salt (Common; 1 gp/lb.): food store, herbalist> 20 20
Inks, special (Scarce, 100-500 gp/oz.; Rare, 600-1000 gp/oz.): alchemist> (4 oz.) 2,400
Hawk eye (Scarce; 15 gp/ea.): alchemist, hawker, magic shop> 2 30
Elixir made from the juice of dried plums and the oil of 5-8 beans of a castor plant (Rare; 50 gp/oz.): alchemist> (3 oz.) 150
Egg, rotten (Uncommon; 1 cp/ea.): farm, food dealer> 48 .48
Mushroom spores (Rare; 50 gp/oz.): alchemist, herbalist, physician> (3 oz.) 150
Leaf from poison ivy, oak, or sumac (Common; 1 sp/ea.): druid, gathering> - .1
Squid (giant) tentacle (Rare; 50 gp/tentacle): fishmonger> 2 100
Iron pyrite (Uncommon; 5 gp/lb.): alchemist, magic shop> 10 50
Bead, crystal or glass (Common; 5 sp/ea.): glassblower, jeweler> - .5
Bone, powder or shard (Common; 1 gp/lb.): alchemist, butcher, magic shop, physician> 10 10
Stone, small (Everyday; free): gathering> - -
Willow or other flexible wood (Common; 1 cp/yd.): carpenter, druid, gathering, lumber yard> (2 yd.) .02
Stalactites (Scarce; 5 gp/ea.): gathering> - 5
Citric acid (lemon or lime juice) (Uncommon; 1 gp/pt.): food store> 10 10
Rhubarb leaf, powdered (Uncommon; 5 sp/oz.): alchemist, herbalist> - .5
Smoke (Everyday; free): any fire source> - -
Leather loop (Common; 1-6 sp/ea.): leatherworker, tailor> - .1
Moonseed plant12 (Scarce; 5 gp/ea.): druid, flower shop, herbalist> - 5
Raisin (Common; 3 cp/lb.): food store> 10 .3
- 90# 6000