This place is decorated in purples and
reds: rugs, cushions, upholstered furniture, wall hangings, etc. A large divan,
covered in plum silk worked with nauseating green and orange figures, dominates the north wall. Behind this couch is
a tapestry depicting the spherical creature with the mushroom neck and head.
Before the couch are several stools of cinnabar. All of the wood is inlaid with
mother-of-pearl, showing demons,
fungi, and worse. The wall cressets and
sconces are of bright copper, either
recently attended or magickally kept polished. 
Before a throne, a gold bowl contains platinum pieces.

The bowl is worth 235 gp. It contains 21
platinum coins, each marked with the face
of the demoness, with an evil rune on the
obverse. These are tokens, showing that the
bearer has the special favor of Zuggtmoy.

Level 3.