A casual look at the area map reveals
that, in general, only terrain features are
shown. Wilderness encounters of special
sorts are not given, for two reasons. First,
the length of the material included herein
precludes extensive detailing of the outdoor
areas. Second, as it is meant for long-term
campaigning, it is absolutely necessary for
the DM to personalize his or her map to suit
the tempo and direction of events in the
group milieu. There are two built-up areas
shown on the map, and these are dealt with
in varying degrees of detail.
Check for random encounters when the
party first approaches Nulb,
and whenever
they leave. Check about halfway down the
road. If at night, check twice. When a group
is exploring off the road, check six times per
day: morning, noon, afternoon, nightfall,
midnight, and pre-dawn.
Check only once if the party is traveling
by water vessel. If they actually submerge
for some reason, check each hour. Likewise,
if the river is under observation, check each
hour, but not unless there is exposure to
attack; crayfish and gar are not observed in
most cases, so simply omit any mention of
the encounter.
You may modify these tables as desired.
Forest or Scrub Terrain (including road)
1d12 | Result |
1 | 1d10 + 10 brigands; leader level 4-5 |
2 | 1d4 + 1 wild boars |
3 | 2d4 bugbears |
4 | 1d10 + 2 gnolls |
5 | 1-2 lycanthropes (werewolves)
6 | Merchant caravan (1 in 6 chance for being disguised Evil pilgrims) |
7 | 1d12 normal wolves |
8-12 | No Encounter |
Swamp or Pond Area (including road)
1d12 | Result |
1 | 1d4 frogs, giant killer |
2 | 2d4 ghouls |
3 | 1d6 leeches, giant (in water) |
4 | 2d8 lizard men |
5 | Merchant caravan (1 in 6 chance for being disguised as Evil pilgrims) |
6-12 | No Encounter |
River (including Imeryds Run)
1d12 | Result |
1 | 1d4 crayfish, giant |
2 | 1 gar, giant (small size only in a Run) |
3-6 | 1 Merchant Ship or 2-4 barges |
7 | 1 Pirate ship |
8 | 1d4 Warships or 1d4 + 8 Nyr Dyv bargefolk with 2-4 barges |
9-12 | No Encounter |
AC 10; MV12 "; Level 0 (HD1-1;
leaders HD 1 + 2); #AT 1 or 2; D by
weapon; AL Any; SZ M; XP 10 + 1/hp
(leaders extra)
wild: AC 7; MV 15 "; HD 3 + 3; #AT 1;
D 3-12; SA dies at -7 hp; SZ M (3'); XP
85 + 4/hp
AC 8 (leather armor); MV 12";
Level 0 (HD 1-1); #AT 1 or 2; D by
weapon; SA missile fire (shortbow,
crossbow); AL NE-CE; XP 10
+ 1/hp or 14 + 1/hp
AC 5; MV 9"; HD 3 + 1; #AT 1; D
2-8 or by weapon; SA surprise
on 1-3;
AL CE; SZ L (7' + ); XP 135 + 4/hp
giant: AC 4; MV 6"//12"; HD
4 + 4; #AT 2; D 2-12/2-12; SA surprise
on 1-3 if hiding; AL N; SZ L (8' + ); XP
90 + 5/hp
giant killer: AC 7; MV 3"//9"; HD 1
to 3; #AT 1; D 1-3 or 1-6 or 2-8 (by HD);
SA surprise
on 1-4; leap, tongue, AL N;
SZ S-M; XP 22 + 1/hp; 44 + 2/hp; or
80 + 3/hp (by HD)
giant: AC 3; MV 0//30 "; HD 8; #AT 1;
D 5-20; SA swallow on 20; AL N; SZ L
(21-30'); XP 550 + 10/hp
AC 6; MV 9"; HD 2; #AT 3; D 1-3/
1-3/ 1-6; SA paralysis (elves
AL CE; SZ M; XP 65 + 2/hp
AC 5; MV 9"; HD 2; #AT 1; D 2-8 or
by weapon; AL CE; SZ L (7' + ); XP 28
+ 2/hp
giant: AC 9; HD 1 to 4; #AT 1; D 0;
SA blood drain (dmg per round = HD);
anesthesia (victim notices only 1%); and
50% disease;
AL N; SZ S-M; XP 22 + 1I
hp; 44 + 2/hp; 80 + 3/hp; or 135 + 4/
hp (by HD)
man: AC 5; MV 6"//12"; HD 2 + 1;
#AT 3; D 1-2/1-2/1-8; AL N; SZ M (7');
XP 35 + 3/hp
werewolf: AC 5; MV 15 "; HD
4 + 3; #ATl; D 2-8; SA surprise
on 1-3;
AL CE; SZ M; XP 205 + 5/hp
AC 10; MV 12"; Level 0 (HD 1-
1); #AT 1; D 1-4 (dagger);
AL Any; SZ
M; XP 10 + 1/hp; usually (80% + ) with
guards (Level 0 to Level 3 fighters, <(F1,
AC 5 or better, #AT 1 or 2; D by weapon)
river: AC 7 (leather
& shield); Level
0 (HD 1-1, leaders HD 2 + ); #AT 1 or 2;
D by weapon; AL NE-CE; SZ M, XP 10
+ 1/hp (leaders extra)
AC 7; MV 18 "; HD 2 + 2; #AT 1; D 2-
5; SA howl may cause herbivore panic
(50%); AL N; SZ S; XP 35 + 3/hp
>> Nulb.