The pillars here are white marble, veined
with ugly red. The altar block of pinkish
white marble is roughly oval something
over 7 feet long by 5 feet wide. Its top has a
hollowed out portion resembling a human
form, with legs apart and arms away from
the body. This depression is stained a
darker color than the rest. Just north of the
altar is a circular, marble-lined pit — a well
of sorts— 20 feet in diameter. Shards of
broken crystal vessels lie about the well,
near the altar, and scattered about the
floor. A crystal knife with a broken blade
lies atop the stone block.

Careful examination of the well reveals a
one-foot wide ledge beginning 15 feet from
the mouth of the shaft. It circles the northern
face of the well, leading to narrow, steep
steps which spiral down clockwise from the
east. The shaft is 85 feet deep. If characters
descend here, see Dungeon Level One (area
131) and Dungeon Level Two (area 210).

>> 4.