
Josephine Wall - Dance of All Seasons

Overview of the Wilderness

    Full description of the climatic regions of the wilderness are
given for the DM's benefit in the appendix to this <>
book. All that characters need to know (and would logically know
before they begin an outdoor adventure are some general facts
that are presumed to be common knowledge among the inhabitants
of a typical campaign world.  The greatest extremes of
weather from one season to another are found in the zones of
temperate climate, which lie roughly equidistant from the poles
and the equator on a planet. The weather is usu. colder and
drier in the regions of subarctifc climate, and is almost always
frigid in the arctic zones around each pole. Closer to the equator,
the subtropical regions have a higher average temperature than
the temperate zones and show great extremes of precipitation in
certain areas from one time of year to the other. In the tropical
zone on either side of the equator, the temperature is almost always
warm, except at high elevation, and precipitation (in the areas
where rain does fall) can be extremely heavy.

    Of course, general facts are just that -- general. While
characters will not have to contend with a raging blizzard in the tropics or
a blistering heat wave in the far north, the weather conditions in a
certain climatic region can travel through a wide range of possibilities.
As with all other aspects of adventuring, common sense
and preparation are the keys to surviving and prospering when
the weather does something out of the ordinary -- which it almost
certainly will do. Characters who expect the unexpected will not
be sorry that they made the extra effort.