APPENDIX II: Creatures of the Inner Planes
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The Inner Planes - Deities & Demigods - Manual of the Planes

    The inner planes are natural environments to their inhabitants,
much like the various regions of the PMPs. There
are elemental herbivores that take their sustenance from their
surroundings, and elemental carnivores that prey on other elemental
(and nonnative) life.

    In running encounters in the inner planes, the DM can use
modified stats for creatures from the MM, MM2, and FF books.

    The following creatures do not have elemental analogues:

    * Creatures native to the Ethereal, Astral, or outer planes, such as slaad, githyanki, and devils.
    * There are no elemental undead (though there may be Prime planar undead found in the inner planes).
    * Humanoids such as humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, orcs, and their mixed breeds (in other words, the PC races). There are no elemental wizards, though there are elemental creatures that can cast spells.

    The following modifications should be made to Prime planar
monster statistics for their elemental counterparts.

FREQUENCY: Unchanged
NO. APPEARING: Unchanged
ARMOR CLASS: Unchanged, unless specifically noted
MOVEMENT: Triple the listed speed for creatures of the planes of Air, Smoke, or Steam. Double the listed speed for creatures of Water. Unchanged for all others. This is the physical distance the creatures can MOVE in the inner planes. They may MOVE through the inner planes normally from point to point as Prime planar travellers can in the Ethereal plane.
% IN LAIR: Elemental creatures in their native planes are 10% less likely to be in lair than Prime creatures. Those inhabiting pockets of their native element in other planes are 10% more likely to be in lair.
TREASURE TYPE: See next page
NO. OF ATTACKS: Unchanged
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Unchanged, but see following
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Unchanged, but see following
ALIGNMENT: Unchanged or neutral (with tendencies toward the standard alignment of the creature)
SIZE: See Appearances
PSIONIC ABILITY: None--unless specifically noted for that creature.


All elemental creatures have these abilities in the inner planes:

* They can move through their plane and those that directly
adjoin it (the para- and quasi-planes for a creature from a major
elemental plane) as Prime planar travellers move through the
Ethereal plane.

* They can see into the Border Ethereal.

* They can enter the Ethereal plane from the inner planes.
Unless otherwise noted, these creatures cannot travel from the
Ethereal into a Prime Material, or even into the Border Ethereal of
a Prime Material plane, without outside help.

    The general abilities of creatures from the inner planes are listed
in the Encounter Section of each plane. The following is a quick summary.

    Air: Immune to wind, weather, lightning, spells using clouds. Can be affected by vacuum.
    Fire: Immune to heat and flames. Can be affected by cold- and water-based spells.
    Earth: Immune to earth-modifying spells. AC is improved by one factor. Can passwall.
    Water: Immune to water-control spells. Can be affected by fire. Can breathe water and blend with surroundings.
    Smoke: Immune to air- and fire- based attacks, asphyxiation.
    Magma: Immune to the effects of fire and earth. Can passwall.
    Ooze: Immune to the effects of earth- and water-based spells. Can passwall.
    Ice: Immune to effects of cold-, air-, and water-based attacks. Can passwall through ice.
    Lightning: Immune to air and weather spells, electricity.
    Radiance: Unaffected by fire-, heat-, and light-based attacks. Vulnerable to darkness, water, and cold.
    Minerals: Unaffected by spells that affect solid matter. Can passwall.
    Steam: Immune to heat-, cold-, air-, and water-based magic.
    Vacuum: Immune to vacuum, negative energy. Vulnerable to air.
    Ash: Immune to cold, negative energy. Vulnerable to warmth.
    Dust: Immune to earth-affecting spells, negative energy.
    Salt: Unaffected by fire and heat. Vulnerable to water.

In cases where a Prime planar creature's immunity is a vulnerability
for the analogue (an elemental fire giant in the plane of Ash),
the analogue retains that immunity.


The greatest danger of encountering an elemental analogue to
a Prime planar creature is that it does not necessarily look like the
Prime creature. The DM is free to make up the appearance of a
particular creature in the elemental plane. What follows is a guide
to creating appearances of monsters on the spur of the moment.

<cf. Flame Snake , Fire Snake>

Size Change
Size Change Air 
(smoke, dust, vacuum, ash, steam)
(lightning, radiance, salt)
(minerals, ice)
(magma, ooze)
Smaller by 2 - 1-10 1-30 1-5
Smaller by 1 1-10 11-25 31-60 6-10
Same 11-40 26-75 61-90 11-90
Larger by 1 41-90 76-90 91-00 91-95
Larger by 2 91-00 91-00 - 96-00

Size Change Effects:

Smaller by 1 or 2: Reduce the size of the creature by one or
two factors (from L to M, or M to S). Creatures of size S that are
reduced are halved in size again. If the elemental equivalent of a
small being (say three feet tall) is "smaller by 2," it is only nine
inches high (cut the original 36 inches in half two times).

Larger by 1 or 2: Increase the size of the creature by one or
two factors (from S to M, or M to L). Creatures of size L that are
increased in size are doubled and if necessary, doubled again. A
15-foot-tall giant might have a 60-foot-tall elemental equivalent.

Creature Appearances

Plane of Air
Ninety percent of air creatures encountered are invisible, but
can be detected by spell use or high intelligence.
Die Roll Appearance
1-10 Amorphous and cloud-like. Grasping members issue from a churning center. 
11-15 Streamlined shape, like an ellipsoid or arrow head. Arms extend from the center. 
16-75 Similar to Prime counterpart, but narrow and streamlined with stubby fins.
76-90 Similar in form to Prime counterpart, but has long, thin wings. 
91-00 Humanoid avian with huge wings that may be feathered, insectoid, cloth, or metallic, at DM's choice. 

Plane of Fire
Die Roll Appearance
1-30 Sharply defined flaming solid (cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, etc.). Flaming arms extend from center. 
31-35 Collection of 2d6 small geometric solids orbiting a center solid. Removal of the orbiting solids inflicts no damage to the creature.
36-45 Flaming humanoid form with the general facial features of the Prime planar counterpart. 
46-50 Flaming humanoid form with humanoid features. 
51-90 Flaming form resembling the Prime planar counterpart.
91-00 Solid and fiery form resembling the Prime planar counterpart. Elemental creature appears to have a shining, metallic hide that radiates the color of the nearby flames.

Plane of Earth
Die Roll Appearance
1-10 Roughly spherical, similar to a boulder. Appendages ooze out of the main form. 
11-30 Stone statue resembling the Prime planar counterpart. Stone material ranges from a polished black or amber to a roughly-hewn grey or brown.
31-35 Stone statue as above, but with humanoid shape and features of the Prime planar counterpart (a man with a beholder's head for example). 
36-70 Tripedal form (similar in appearance to a xorn). Three or more arms and legs, jaws at top of body.
71-90 Crystalline form of the Prime planar counterpart. Upon death, the creature shatters into useless shards. 
91-95 Crystalline form as above, with humanoid shape and features of the Prime planar counterpart.
96-00 Rough mass of crystals without form. Appendages stick out from the center.

Plane of Water

Creatures from the plane of Water tend to blend with their aquatic surroundings.
Die Roll Appearance
01-10 Amoeboid blob. Appendages ooze off the main body.
11-25 Serpentine form with general features of the Prime planar counterpart.
26-90 Fish-like form, a mer-creature that resembles the Prime planar counterpart. Usu. has the forearms of the creature and hind parts of a fish, such as the triton.
91-00 Entirely fish-like. Additional features apparent only if they have some specific effect on the creature's powers.

Para-Elemental Creatures

    Creatures from the para-elemental planes tend to fall into
two categories: those that look humanoid and those that resemble
their Prime planar counterparts to some degree.
- Smoke Magma Ooze Ice
Elemental Humanoid 1-20 1-25 1-40 1-10
Elemental Creature 21-00 26-00 41-00 11-00

Quasi-Elemental Creatures

Lightning quasi-elementals appear as balls and oblong
spheres of energy with leg-like bolts jutting in all directions.

Radiance quasi-elementals are colored spheres of force.

Mineral quasi-elementals are delicate insectoid versions of
their Prime planar counterparts.

Steam quasi-elementals appear as Smoke para-elementals,
with the same variety of humanoid and creature-like forms.

Vacuum quasi-elementals are spheres of invisible force.

Ash quasi-elementals appear as grey duplicates of their Prime
planar counterparts. When slain they collapse into piles of ash.

Dust quasi-elementals appear either as dust clouds resembling the
Prime planar counterparts or as spirals or whirlwinds of dust.

Salt quasi-elementals resemble white, salt-encrusted versions
of their Prime planar counterparts.

Treasure of Elemental Creatures

    The lairs of elemental creatures contain treasure as noted for
their counterparts in the monster books. The exact nature of the
treasure found varies from plane to plane.

Air: There is only a 10% chance that the lair of a creature of
elemental Air in its home plane contains coinage. If one of these
treasure types is called for, replace with containers of perfumes
and other interesting scents of rare value.

Fire: There is a 20% chance of coinage in being found in this
realm. Coins are melted into solid blobs of equivalent weight and
value. If coinage is not found, then the treasure is in rare woods,
coal, textiles, and other burnables, protected from the flames.

Earth: Lairs in the plane of elemental Earth collect more metallic
treasure than gems and jewelry. If jewelry is indicated, replace
that with a similar number of gems.

Water: Coinage and treasure as normal. Double the amount of
potions found in such lairs.

The para-elemental planes are treated as one of the two major
planes that they border on (50% chance of each). Of the quasi-elementals,
seven of the eight have treasure according to their major aligned plane. Vacuum
quasi-elementals are the exception--they have normal treasure.

If the type of treasure can be harmed by the surrounding area
(for example, magical scrolls in the plane of Fire), they are protected
if the creature has at least low Intelligence.

Finally, lairs located in elemental pockets || other regions that
duplicate the effects of other inner planes should be treated as if
they were in those planes for treasure type.




<Giant Fire Wasp?>




<change to Magma Doppleganger: Magmaganger?>
<or, perhaps, Magma Mind Flayer>

Lightning Yeth Hound

Wild Air Horse

Fire Galeb Duhr

Smoke Dryad





<maybe use this one for the druid spell smoke ghost>