by James M. Ward and Robert J. Kuntz
Compiled by Prespos
Foreword +
Preface +
Credits and Acknowledgements
Editor's Introduction
Explanatory Notes
Divine Abilities +
Dungeon Mastering Divine
Beings +
Clerics and Deities
Omens +
Mortality and Immortality
Ascension +
American Indian
Mythos + 15
Arthurian Heroes
+ 117
Babylonian Mythos
+ 10
Celtic Mythos
+ 19
Central American
Mythos + 13
Chinese Mythos
+ 24
Cthulhu Mythos
+ 17
Egyptian Mythos
+ 24
Finnish Mythos
+ 23
Greek Mythos +
Indian Mythos
+ 18
Japanese Mythos
+ 13
Mythos + 41
Nehwon Mythos
+ 37
Nonhuman's Deities
+ 18
Norse Mythos +
Sumerian Mythos
+ 8
Appendix 1:
The Known Planes of Existence (DDG) -
Appendix 2: Temple
Trappings -
Appendix 3: Clerical
Quick Reference Chart -
Appendix 4: Further
Reference -
Index to Proper Names -
Q. Although 17 pantheons are
mentioned on the back of the DEITIES
& DEMIGODS Cyclopedia, only
15 are detailed inside. Why is
this? (Advanced)
A. The 1st edition <printing> did indeed
details of 17 sets of gods and
heroes, but the 2nd and all subsequent
<printings> only gave information
on 15. The 2 pantheons
that were dropped, Michael Moorcock's
Melnibonean mythos (the Elric
stories), and H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu
mythos, disappeared because other
companies produced games on those
subjects, and the copyright holders
withdrew their permission for us to
use them.
<is this true?
ask James M. Ward>
<try to find a better picture of Jim;
for some unfathomable reason,
does not like this one>
<actually, on 2nd thought, keep this
one, the reason being the archival aspect of this site>
Question: In GODS,
it says
that a forty-plus level character
is ridiculous. In our game we
have two characters that
are one thousand-plus
level. This
happened in “Armageddon,”a
conflict between the gods and
the characters. Of course,
the characters won. What do you
think about that?
Answer: Not much. I
don’t know whether to
. I will
repeat: A forty-plus-level
character is ridiculous. We feel that you must
advance one level at a time,
not a whole bunch at once. I don’t
understand how or what happened
or even if all the gods were in this
battle, but if you enjoy
playing this way, feel free to do so. I don’t want
to spoil your fun.
Question: First, my
question is in two parts;
are the stats in the present
Demi-Gods and Heroes correct for AD&D,
and since there are no large-scale
battle rules in the DMG, are the rules
in Swords and Spells or Chainmail the official army rules?
If not, what rules are recommended?
Answer: Gods, Demi-Gods
and Heroes was written for OD&D.
There is a revised edition
being written right now by Jim Ward && Rob Kuntz.
This book will be for play
with AD&D. There are no official rules
for army
battles in AD&D
yet. We find that Chainmail works pretty well when we
want to have armies fight
each other. We are presently considering
something along these lines,
but it is in the beginning stages.
(Update: See DEITIES
ADQ: I have done extensive
into the mythos of India
and I don't
think what you have represented
in the
fits very well with the actual
literature on the subject.
How did you
develop these listings?
ADA: This question,
in different forms,
has been asked many times
about all of
the pantheons listed in the
Cyclopedia. The work is
an unusual combination of
gaming fiction
and historical and literary
All of the historical pantheons
were researched using primary
secondary sources. It isn't
easy to get
the material you desire from
rural universities,
effort was made to
present complete and accurate
One of
the discoveries made while
doing reseach was that there
are many
conflicting works on man's
we must remember that their
of recording and transmitting
was less than flawless.
Time is
also an important factor to
consider when detailing a
mythos. The
Egyptian mythos listed had
an active
faith for over 3,000 years!
In that time
the way of the gods were
viewed and their
powers were revamped several
times. It
is quite possible that your
detail different information
on the deities
of India in this same manner.
used accredited sources to
determine the
powers and items of the gods
and presented a rough translation
of these things into AD&D
If you
have gone through the trouble of
researching a particular
favorite myth,
by all means use this information
your own campaign. The listings
the Cyclopedia of gods and
heroes from
myth and legend was only
meant to fill
gaps in the game system.
(Polyhedron #13)
Originally posted by Eternalknight
Did you ever think of doing
much on Australian Aboriginie mythology?
It seems to be a greatly
untapped resource in RPG's.
while i am much impressed
with the Australian Aboriginies, and also with the Bushmen of Africs, I
never contemplated adding them to the mix simply because their cultures
are so far from those used as bases for the milieux of Oerthadventuring.
The amount of work necessary
to establish the groundwork for play therein would be rather daunting,
bith for the author and the DM utilizing the material.
It would be a simpler matter
to manage it for the LA game system, but for D&D
I can foresee all manner of lengthy additions to the rules being necessary.
BTW, by D&D, I am speaking
broadly, and mean AD&D as well.
Originally posted by
Gary, what is your opinion
on using the "real world" of the Middle Ages as a campaign setting for
or for Lejendary Adventure? Of course, the setting wouldn't be completely
real since there would be monsters, spells, and magic items. But there
would be Catholicism, England, the Crusades, and all the rest.
Do you think this would be
a fun and/or a workable setting for A/D&D or LA?
Hi Geoffrey
My considered opinion is that such a setting would require a special set of rules, and neither A/D&D nor the LA game are designed to fit something that is based on actual history.
Using such a setting also
treads close to the edge in regards religion as practiced today--mainly
Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam.
Most magic would then perforce
be Satanic in nature, or at best theurgy in the true sense of the term--forced
from the divine.
the setting would certainly make for some interesting campaign play, but in general I doubt the commercial viability.
Originally Posted by mossfoot
to think of it, I DO have a question... in your years of gaming have you
ever "converted" people to gaming who otherwise wouldn't have, or have
you simply been fortunate enough to always be around gamer types?
You see, back in Vancouver,
I didn't have a gaming group, so I corrupte... I mean converted my girlfriend,
and then her girlfriends so that I ended up GMing a group of 5 university
girls (yeah, I know, gamer's fantasy come true
) But the truth is, they ALL had a standoffish, "I dunno" attitude towards
It took some time to convert them, but now they're hooked... only problem is they love their characters so much I can't convince them to start a new campaign with new characters!
Sigh... women.
Hi Noah
My work has made untold converts
to the gaming hobby, but I assume you mean have I personally made a direct
convert by persuasion and the like.
The answer is, but of course!
The most notable is James
M. Ward.
I was in a local newspaper,
magazine, and paperback book shop when I noticed a chap browsing the SF
and fantasy titles.
I brazenly spoke to him,
suggesting that if he enjoyed such adventure reading he should visit out
gaming club that featured swords & sorcery.
He did, and the rest is history.
I have never personally succeeded
in converting a female to the hobby, including all three of my daughters.
They played and enjoyed it
for some weeks or months, but lost interest thereafter.
Originally Posted by BOZ
no... it's supposed to be
"roll initiative and die!"
oh, wait, either way is fine.
Jim Ward's PC usual cry to opponents: "Surrender AND die!"
Originally Posted by palleomortis
Hey, thanx all. I didn't
know this kinda stuff existed. Nice. Where did you say this guy lived?
If by "this guy" you mean
Ward, that's easy. Jim lives in the county seat of Walwrth County,
That's about eight miles
from Lake Geneva.
Do a websearch for the "Beast
of Bray Road" for some interesting reading about the area.
Originally Posted by taliesin15
Mr. Gygax:
Let me echo all the sentiments
prevalent in these threads thanking you for your work in creating D&D!
Here's a question that might be a bit controversial: what do you think of D&D campaigns using deities worshipped in the contemporary "real" world? In early D&D publications there are references to saints (Cuthbert's mace, I believe?) and especially when Deities and Demigods came out, my friends and I all thought that an Arthurian flavored milieu would have to at least have some Christian (also pagan, naturally) elements to it. One of my D&D playing buddies made a joke about "Jesus Christ, Major Deity, 400 hit points, Lawful Good," etc. And of course there are some Oriental pantheons in DEities and Demigods. And in the DMG you have references to Arab/Muslim civilizations; for that matter, there's the whole thing about Assasins coming from the Arab world. Of course all that's been synthesized greatly in the fantasy literature. And yet, it wouldn't seem that hard to do to create a milieu where people worship Jesus, Mohammed, and so on.
is not a term that is exclusive to the Christian religion, and St.
Cuthbert was more of a joke than otherwise.
Consider the advicacy of
pounding sense into someone's head by dint of blows from a club.
I do not advocate any use
of actual religion in an RPG.
Any references I have made
to Arab-like civizilations do not include any hint of Islam in them.
the same holds for Judaism
and Christianity.
As a matter of fact, I did
not write Deities and Demigods, nor did I use it in my campaign.
Originally Posted by fusangite
Once again, Gary, I see intentionality
where it might not have been. I have been assuming that you based a chunk
of the cleric class's spell list on the miracles performed by St. Cuthbert
in Bede's Life of Saint Cuthbert. The Create
Water, Flame Strike spells and various other seemed to indicate you
were, at some point, deriving the cleric spell list from actual medieval
miracles. This I'm very glad to hear; people focus on the Fiend Folio as
the mistaken text in AD&D but I have to say that Deities and Demigods
is the book that ultimately caused me to take a long sabbatical from AD&D
in the mid-80s.
No, the cleric spells were
all made up from my imagination as things fitting for that class.
The Deities and Demigods book had plenty of flaws, but some make believe deities are generally necessary for a FRPG campaign methinks.
Originally Posted by Wolv0rine
And for the first time in
my 34 years (and with a hearty belly-laugh) I glimpse how the nutjobs of
the 80's could have seen it all as a weird cult. I can just see you sitting
on the porch with a handful of dice, waving whoever over. "Come on over
and play. All are welcome, all are welcome."
Even if it were a cult, at
least we're too cool to pass around kool-aid.
Well, as a matter of fact
I did recruit James M. Ward to RPGing by button-holing him in the local
magazine and paperback book shop here when I saw him checking out fantasy
and SF titles. He gave me a rather strange look but did indeed come over
to see about the game I had extolled to him...OD&D
back in 74 'IIRR.
<added entry>
Originally Posted by Fifth
What is your favourite real-world
I mean in the sense of Greek,
Norse, etc.
As a follow-up, what mythology lends itself best as inspiration for D&D?
mythology for its plethora of deities and its underworld.
Next comes Hindic for its
array of strange deities and the many stories.
I designed D&D with little regard for mythology; more for folklore, legend, and authored fiction.
Originally Posted by Mystaros
There's another series, the
"Penguin Historical Atlas of..." series, which is also quite good.
So far they've done Ancient
Civilizations, Ancient Egypt, Ancient
Greece, Ancient Rome, Medieval World,
Vikings, Russia, British Empire, North America... even the dinosaurs!
Cool stuff, sometimes verging
on the "generational" scheme you mention, though the McEvedy books are
better for that perspective.
There goes more of my hard-earned
I have the older Penguin historical
atlases but the ancient civs ones I have not seen.
I must get several of those
you mentioned!
Originally Posted by Thulcondar
I find that particularly
fascinating (and yet another indicator of just how far you were willing
to go to find source material).
Although it also points out
how far Mme. Blavatsky was willing to go for source material, inasmuch
as the Deva is a Hindu figure.
I have been toying with the
idea of putting together some sort of Angelic heirarchy to counter the
Diabolic and Demonic heirarchies.
Since we have arch-devils,
why not arch-angels? Major Devils and Seraphim.
Demon Princes and Saints...
The details are unimportant,
but you get the idea...
And of course the "named"
Infernal figures would have their own counterparts.
The only thing that has stumped
me thusfar is in individualizing them sufficiently.
Perhaps I am a creature of
the mythologies to which I am accustomed, but the angelic hosts always
seemed so... homogenous.
Valkyries could work for
one of the other alignments (NG, mayhap, although for those who know their
true nature according to the Norse lore they are far from beneficient beings!),
but I find myself at something of a stumbling block.
And for the non-good/evil
minions... I would ache for something more rooted in mythology than Modrons.
Any thoughts as to a possible expansion of the demon/devil/daemon idea into the realms of Good, beyond the (to my mind, rather limited) Deva/Plantar/Solar?
As always, my thanks in advance.
The short answer is that
as a Christian I have stayed away from Judeo-Christian theology.
Thus the use of Theophysical
in Hindu spirit entities.
Originally Posted by JamesM
Did you ever consider using a vague monotheism à la The Lord of the Rings in AD&D rather than polytheism? I'm assuming not, given things you've said in the past about angels vs. devas, etc. I ask primarily because I've always found the medieval trappings of the game somewhat at odds with its pulp polytheism.
By no means!
As a Christian, playing with
actual religion is quite beyond the pale.
Secondarily, the medieval-Renaissance
technology has nothing to do with the supernatural aspects influencing
the fantasy milieu.
It is also noteworthy that
the medieval world had a plethora of saints
&& demons as might a mythological
Originally Posted by JamesM
To clarify, in case it wasn't
clear, I didn't mean to suggest that you might have included Christianity
in AD&D.
It was always obvious you
intended the game to be a fantasy and not a historical simulation.
However, Professor
Tolkien, a devout man himself, took the monotheism route for Middle
It seems a very unusual one
for fantasy, though I've never been sure why.
I suggest that Tolkien
rather than monotheism had no religion in Middle Earth.
There were no priests, no
religious services, no formal prayers
(Source: Dungeon
Hobby Shop Museum)
Originally Posted by JamesM
Would you mind expanding
on this slightly?
Are you simply saying that
supernatural trappings were a separate creative choice from the decision
to include medieval technology rather than one being the outgrowth of the
Just so.
The level of technology need
not be tied to social organization, culture, political system or degree
of working magic.
After all, in a fantasy world
the paramaters are set by the game system
that it is to control its laws and the one designing it.
Originally Posted by JamesM
True enough, although I've
never really viewed saints or demons
as being even the functional equivalents of polytheistic deities.
There is a parallel of sorts
to be drawn there,
however, especially in regards
to the netherrealms' heirarchy.
the links for these pantheons
are checked, and point to the correct page:
<The Dark Continent (Fantasy
<Use Afrik, from the Aerth
setting, instead>
+ 117>
<399 : 10pp at begin,
20 pantheon pages, 10 pp at end>
<117 : 10pp at begin,
20 pantheon pages, 10 pp at end>
<size of spiral ring notebooks,
for taking notes (spell, personality, ea.) when reading the myths>
<remember, cite all
sources. use a system for your citations (a key), incl. your key at
begin or end>
<2 citation cases>
main source>
other sources>
<ex. Dictionary of Mythology
is my main source>
of Mythology, J.A. Coleman, Capella, ISBN 978-1-84193-424-2>
this is my main source, i just incl. the page numbers in the left hand
<eg. 123,
not DM.123><on the actual DDG pages, on the
spell and personality tables, in the citation columns, it would appear
: DM.123>
<Le Morte d'Arthur, Sir
Thomas Mallory, Collector's Library Editions, ISBN 978 1 904633 976>
<eg. LMA.123><on the
actual DDG pages, on the spell and personality tables, in the citation
columns, it would appear : LM.123>
<make a 3rd citation case,
for primary sources?>
<for example, instead
of LMA.123, it would be LMA.cle.123, something like that>
<what is important is
a systematic and coordinated approach to research>
<after the dictionary
of mythology,>
<then, do the primary
sources for each pantheon>